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House of Temptations Page 17

  i have not seen Carlene since we arose this morning,' Rodolfo said. 'Has she gone from the house?'

  'Carlene and some of the others have gone for a walk,' answered Lorna.

  'Then perhaps I will find them. CiaoV He smiled and walked towards the conservatory archway with a flourish of his hand.

  'Bet he doesn't find anyone/ said Kim as Rodolfo disappeared.

  'Oh? Why?' asked Lorna.

  'Because I don't think they want him to,' replied Kim with a hint of mischief crossing her soft features and blue eyes.

  "You mean they're up to something,' said Mike.

  'Wouldn't be at all surprised,' replied Kim.

  Rodolfo, with his hands pushed down into his trouser pockets, strolled casually along the main drive until he reached the swimming pool. There he stopped and cast his gaze over the calm, deserted water, and across to the tables and chairs standing empty under their colourful sunshades in the morning light. As far as the tennis court there was nobody to be seen. He turned and looked along the grassy pathway which led towards the rise and the valley. Thinking that he might be able to observe them from a higher vantage point, he set off up the gentle slope, with its scattering of trees and wildflowers, breathing deeply the perfumed morning air.

  'Careful in case he looks this way!' hissed Annette.

  Four pairs of eyes watched from the shade of the sum-merhouse as Rodolfo ambled by some fifty metres away.

  'Well, there goes old tight pants,' joked Carlene. 'Stepping out along the path to his fate.'

  'Are we going to wait until he comes back this way?' asked Valerie.

  i think that's probably the best idea,' added Cheryl.

  'Let's see how far he goes,' said Annette, i don't want it to look as though I've been waiting.'

  In a short time, Rodolfo had disappeared from view, obscured by the trees between himself and the summer-house. Reaching the crest of the rise he turned back towards the house and shaded his eyes. Two figures moved away from the house towards the pool. He watched Mike and Lorna as they reached the tables and chairs, then turned back to gaze across the sunlit valley, towards the bright but distant sea. To his right stood the deserted wooden seat, waiting under its pine tree and, to his left, the old stone bridge basked in the warm distance. He stood motionless for a time, feeling the sun on his face and chest, his eyes half closed against the intense light.

  'Hello, what brings you out here?' came the voice from behind.

  Rodolfo spun around. Annette stood not four metres away, arms folded; the sun glinted in her green eyes and a wisp of auburn hair swayed across her cheek and sensual lips in the soft breeze. The white nylon, long-sleeved blouse was opened low enough to expose the full cleavage of her breasts and tucked into the wide black belt of her blue denim mini-skirt.

  'Ah, signorina Annette, che bellezzal What are you doing here?'

  Tm just taking a little walk, Roddy/ she said. 'And you? Out listening to the birds, are you?'

  'I was looking for Carlene/ he replied, walking towards her and holding out his hand. 'But she is not here/

  Annette raised her hand. Rodolfo took it and lifted it to his lips, keeping his eyes all the time on hers, instead signorina, you I have found. This I think is better than listening to the birds/

  'Well/ replied Annette, indicating towards the bench, 'shall we go and sit down?'

  They moved to the wooden bench and sat.

  'I think 1 see all you ladies smoke. Would you like to have a cigarette?' asked Rodolfo, reaching into his shirt pocket.

  'I thought that was usually afterwards, dear.' Annette smiled.

  'Please - I do not understand/ replied Rodolfo, holding out the packet.

  i said, I don't smoke any more. Thanks all the same.'

  'Oh, then I will not smoke either,' he said. Replacing the packet, he moved closer to her and placed his hand across the back of the seat behind her shoulders. Annette showed no sign of objection, i think we should know each other a little better/ he suggested. 'You are so different from the other ladies/ he continued, letting his arm rest against her shoulders and his gaze fall upon her thighs as she slowly crossed her legs. 'Ah, yes! So special, so beautiful/

  Annette did not reply but looked across the valley with the hint of a smile upon her lips. Rodolfo's hand had closed about her shoulder and he leant closer still. 'You must come one day to Italia, to Milano and stay at my house for your holiday. I will show you many things. We will go to the best ristoranti in town. Just you and 1/

  That would be nice/ replied Annette, turning her gaze to meet his and placing her fingers upon the silver ankh.

  The hand on her shoulder tightened and their lips met. 'Ah, bello, hello? he breathed. Letting his free hand find her neck, he ran his fingers down over the softness of her full breasts, i think, you and I, we will make love. I desire this very much/

  Their lips met again and his fingers pushed inside the blouse to find and play with her nipple. 'Not here, Roddy/ she said.

  'But here we are alone/ he answered. This is perfect/ 'No Roddy!' she responded, pushing his hand away with gentle firmness.

  'Signorina, I think perhaps you do not find me attractive/ he breathed with the look of a child who has been denied the use of a favourite toy.

  'Of course I find you attractive molto attraente/ she said. 'But I don't want to get into trouble, Roddy. So we should go indoors, yes?'

  'OK, if that is what you wish, indoors/ he replied with more than a hint of impatience.

  On the way down from the rise, Annette glanced towards the summerhouse, unnoticed by Rodolfo. She observed a movement behind the glass.

  'Looks like he's hooked, babes!' Carlene giggled as the two figures moved hand in hand across the open grass.

  'Good and proper/ agreed Valerie. 'Still, it's all in a good cause!'

  '1 hope he thinks so,' put in Cheryl.

  'Well, if he doesn't,' said Carlene, 'he can always take his arse off somewhere else.'

  At the pool they stopped to watch Mike and Lorna circling about in the crystal water. Annette turned and said, 'Roddy, hang around here for a while. I'll go first. It might be better, OK?'

  'OK,' he replied, i will wait.'

  'Then in twenty minutes come up to the first floor,' she continued, 'and go to the third room on the right. Just let yourself in if there's nobody around. Capisce?'

  'Capiscor he returned with a smile.

  She walked back towards the house and Rodolfo found himself a chair in which to relax for a time. Time was something Rodolfo usually had in abundance.

  Rodolfo showed no concern on entering the first-floor corridor, for the small apartment at its far end was allotted to himself and Carlene for the duration of their stay. He only hesitated to glance about when he stopped at the door before this, noting that Cheryl's door opposite was closed.

  When he entered, the pink cornice lights showed Annette, seated in one of the chrome and black leather chairs before the coffee table in the centre of the room. As she got up to greet him, he saw that she had changed. The blouse and skirt were replaced by a short, form-fitting dress in gleaming black vinyl; it was sleeveless but had a high collar which fitted snugly about her long neck. Her shapely legs were emphasised by their skin of sheer, black, seamed nylon and the black vinyl, high-heeled sandals fixed by slim straps about her ankles.

  'So glad you could make it, dear,' she said, walking towards him. Rodolfo remained facing her and quietly pushed the door shut. Annette moved up to him and gazed into his eyes. Rodolfo said nothing, but took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. Annette returned his attentions with equal enthusiasm, but feeling his hands seek the zip fastener at the rear of her neck, caught his arms and pulled them away. 'No, Roddy! I have something to show you first/

  She turned and gestured towards the archway at the far side of the room with its heavy black curtain concealing the inner chamber, in there/

  'But ' protested Rodolfo.

  'But what?' responded Annette.
  'But, I am here to be only with you. This is not for a movie show!'

  Annette appreciated Rodolfo's familiarity with this and the other rooms on the first floor, and had considered the possibility that resistance might be encountered at this point. She faced him, pushed the abundant auburn hair back from her shoulders and passed her hands, with fingers splayed out, slowly down over the sides of her breasts, over her slim waist and over her thighs to the hem of her dress. 'No film show, Roddy. But if you don't want to bother, I'll go/

  'Ah, per piacerehe breathed. 'I will go where you say/

  Cheryl glanced at her watch. 'I think that's time enough/ she said, looking at Jackie.

  Jackie sat within the steel enclosure, leaning against the cushions, waiting. Cheryl had dealt with her in the manner to which both had become accustomed only some ten minutes previously. Until then Jackie had at least enjoyed the use of her arms and the facility of speech. Now she possessed neither.

  Cheryl unlatched and pulled open the gate in the circular pen. Two eyes regarded her from the open part of the rubber hood. Apart from the small area about her eyes, her entire head was encased in shining black latex. Beneath the breathing holes at her nostrils there swung the short tube with its rubber inflation bulb. The hood continued down into the smooth cocoon of heavy rubber which held her arms enclosed and folded across her middle. From her waist to the tops of her thighs Jackie was naked; the nakedness was accentuated further by the absence of any trace of hair about her sex.

  'Up we come!' said Cheryl, hauling Jackie upright from behind.

  Even with Cheryl's determined assistance, Jackie gained a standing position with difficulty. The heavy black latex boots enclosing her legs allowed only minimal bending of her knees, and the towering stiletto heels were not calculated to make the struggle any easier. Nor was the fifteen centimetres of strapping which joined her ankles and added to the precariousness of her walking. Fortunately for Jackie, walking for any great distance was not a part of Cheryl's plans, though what those plans were had not so far been revealed to her.

  'Well, my sweet,' said Cheryl, placing her hands on Jackie's shoulders and looking into her eyes, i'm not altogether sure if these restraints were made for you or you were made for them! Nobody suits them better than you. And you'll be glad to know Sonia has some rather interesting and novel designs coming through from Germany in the near future. I'm sure you'll be the first to try them out.'

  Cheryl guided her towards the door. Jackie had seen her pick up the three-tailed strap but had long since learnt that any form of disobedience or resistance was pointless. Indeed she was well aware that any refusal to comply would lead to prolonged or even stricter restraint and punishment, though the prospect of this had not always proved to be the deterrent it should have been.

  They crossed the corridor and entered the room opposite. Jackie noted, though was unable to comment on the fact, that the door was already unlocked. She had expected Cheryl to take her through the curtained archway and had begun to move with short, measured steps in that direction. But instead, she was guided to the left, moving past the kitchenette and on towards the bathroom. Had not Cheryl already given her an enema, she might have regarded this as the reason for their present course. But the feel of the rubber nozzle and the rush of the warm solution into her rectum were still fresh in her mind as they entered the warmly lit, blue tiled room with its luxurious rugs and fittings. They moved past the blue porcelain sink and the low-level bowl with its sinister fittings and stopped before the walk-in cupboard.

  'Now then,' said Cheryl, pulling open the cupboard door. 'Despite your familiarity with these rooms, there is something here even you don't know about. You shouldn't know about it either, but now you are going to have to. Follow me and be careful.'

  Cheryl entered the cupboard and Jackie followed. The cupboard was not deep and contained the anticipated hanging bathrobes, folded towels and mundane bathroom items. There was barely enough room to accommodate the two of them but, once inside, Cheryl reached past the anxious Jackie and pulled the door shut. In the darkness Jackie heard a click. A dim light appeared at her right and she observed the side of the cupboard open outward to reveal a narrow, carpeted corridor beyond.

  'Surprise, surprise,' breathed Cheryl. 'Off you go.'

  Jackie glanced at her, the rubber bulb swinging from side to side like a black pendulum, and moved into the corridor with short steps. After a moment, she found herself before what seemed to be a large window. It took her some moments to realise where she was, for she found herself looking into the chamber beyond the archway, into a room familiar to her with its functionally sinister furniture. But she knew that this room had no windows. It suddenly dawned on her that she was behind one of the large mirrors, several of which were spaced about the room. The corridor went onward and turned abruptly right, some five metres from its entrance.

  'This area is not fully soundproofed,' said Cheryl in a low voice. 'That is why you must be kept silent.'

  Jackie turned her head back to the glass. Beyond the glass she observed Annette and Rodolfo. They stood kissing not three metres from the mirror in the brightly lit room. Rodolfo, in his bare feet, was still a little taller than Annette in her high heels.

  'I've brought you here to prove one thing,' said Cheryl.

  'And that is something that ought to have been apparent to you in the first place. You are listening to me Jackie, aren't you?'

  Jackie glanced at her; emitting a barely audible grunt she nodded her head. The rubber bulb pranced up and down before her chin.

  'You have to understand," she continued, 'that your Rodolfo is a playboy and a philanderer. It feeds his ego when silly girls like you dote over him. As far as he is concerned, you're just another easy screw. He thinks no more of you than he does of Annette or anyone else here. He only sticks with Carlene because neither of them depends on the other for anything. She uses him even more than he uses her. They might be two of a kind except that Carlene is nowhere near as selfish.'

  Annette was undoing the lower buttons of Rodolfo's shirt and pulling it out from the waist of his pink denims. She proceeded to remove the shirt and, with a mischievous smile, draped it over a nearby chair. Rodolfo attempted to undo her dress, but Annette rapped his hand and pushed it away. Cheryl and Jackie could not hear what Annette said to him, but both of them were seen to grin and Rodolfo gave a little laugh.

  'He thinks he's got another conquest,' whispered Cheryl, 'but he's walked into this one good and proper.'

  Annette was pulling at Rodolfo's belt and soon had this undone. She quickly knelt before him, and within a few seconds had his trousers wide open and was pulling them down over his thighs. Rodolfo's unmistakable state of arousal was barely contained within his vivid, turquoise blue, silk bikini briefs. Annette ran her fingers over the distended bulge and squeezed it. Rodolfo, running his fingers through her auburn hair, closed his eyes and groaned.

  'You're such a hunk, Roddy,' she said smiling up at him. 'Just look at yourself in that mirror. You ought to be a pin-up.'

  He regarded them both in the nearby mirror, and had the added pleasure of seeing as well as feeling as Annette ran the fingers of both hands down each side of the swollen pouch.

  i think we'll have these off!' She grinned at him via the mirror and tugged hard on the briefs. They skimmed down to his feet, releasing the coiled spring of his ample penis, which at once leapt up before her like a snake about to strike its prey. Annette gave him but a moment to kick off the briefs before taking hold of his thighs and running her tongue about the head of the distended organ, feeling it twitch uncontrollably at her touch. Rodolfo grasped her head and pushed his pelvis forward in order to enter her mouth but Annette resisted and rose quickly to her feet. 'Roddy,' she sighed, kissing him, 'I'm going to do fellatio with you, properly, all the way.'

  'Oh, Madonna,' he groaned as her hand closed with electric coolness about the inflamed shaft. 'You would do this for me?'

  'I'm going
to show you how we do it the English way. Give me your hands.' '

  She lifted up his right arm and pushed it towards the bright steel cuffs which hung on their chain above his head. Seeing these, Rodolfo stopped short with a puzzled expression. 'But how can we make love if I am not able to hold you?'

  'Don't worry, Roddy,' she answered, 'you don't need your arms for this.'

  He looked into her mischievous green eyes and relaxed for a moment. That moment was enough. Annette took one of the bracelets and with a final pull, had it closed about his wrist. Her smile broadened further as he lifted the other hand obligingly into position and the second bracelet was secured with a final, unambiguous click.

  'Aren't you a good boy?' she whispered.

  'Your English way,' he said. 'I have never heard of this before. It is, how you say, popoIareT

  'Oh, molto popalare,' replied Annette. 'Many of our top people wouldn't have it any other way, and I should know!'

  'This is good,' he breathed as she dropped back to her knees.

  Turn around, this way,' ordered Annette, pulling on his ankle.

  Rodolfo had spotted the steel cuffs at the ends of their short chains, spaced out at either side on the floor, and offered no resistance as she pulled out and secured first one leg and then the other.

  There we are.r she said. 'And you can see everything that happens in the big mirror, Roddy. Doesn't that make it all the more exciting?' She regarded the reflected image of his slim, sun-tanned body, stretched out helplessly before her with the swaggering penis already glistening with anticipation at its bulbous tip. She stood up and kissed him, stroking the shaft lightly with her fingers. Rodolfo closed his eyes and did not see the black curtain across the archway to his left, pulled aside.

  'Well, hi, Annette!' sang out the voice. 'My, oh my! What do have we here?'

  Rodolfo's eyes started wide open.

  'Oh, goodness me!' exclaimed Annette with a look of wonderment. 'Here's Carlene. Isn't that a surprise?'