House of Temptations Read online

Page 21

  As the cab departed, Josephine said, 'Your little room, we have this ready for you again. I think you liked it, yes?'

  'I couldn't wish for anywhere nicer,' replied Karen.

  They entered the shop and those sensual aromas, so familiar from the house, or at least the more discreet parts of it she had come to know, flooded upon her. She gazed about at the displays and racks. Away from the window, situated discreetly against a rear wall, were several mannequins, heavily made up with rouge, eyeshadow and lipstick, and wearing some of the things which immediately brought to mind, in an ambiguous way, her recent encounters with Danielle and Sophie.

  Those are a new addition,' remarked Josephine. 'We have several new things in the shop; some of them are very naughty, I think!' She picked up Karen's case and walked towards the stairs. 'You must look around later, but for now, perhaps you wish to shower and to change. Then we will have coffee and wait for Armand. Unless you prefer that I make the coffee now?'

  i wouldn't mind a coffee first, please. I'll take up my case whilst you get it going.'

  'Very well,' replied Josephine. 'I will bring up the tray in five minutes.'

  The room was as Karen remembered, with its warm pine furnishings, oriental prints and rugs, and multi-coloured bedspread; friendly and comforting. The pendulum under the little brass clock danced away brightly in its tiny mechanical world as though no time at all had passed since she last looked at it. She set the case down upon the bed and opened it to pull out and arrange a few clothes. Inside the small bathroom, she found the bathrobe Josephine had left for her and, removing her own clothes, she put this on.

  Back in the bedroom, she saw the sunlight as it slanted across to the small pine chest set against the wall. The room was one in which to contemplate, to be pleasantly submerged and lost in thought. From the window she looked down into the small courtyard with its colourful arrangements of potted plants, and to the narrow alleyway beyond it which led to another small road, devoid of shops and almost deserted. There was a tapping on the door and a call of, 'Hello!'

  Karen stepped over to the door and pulled it open to reveal Josephine in a black satin housecoat, clutching a small brass tray upon which were two cups of coffee. 'I remember,

  you like cream but no sugar,' she said with a smile. * * *

  They had not finished the coffee when the sound of a telephone ringing in the shop interrupted their conversation. Josephine hurried away to the door saying, 'Excuse me, that must be Armand! Follow me down if you wish!'

  Karen, seeing Josephine's coffee only half finished, picked up the tray and followed her downstairs. Josephine was speaking rapidly in her own language, making it impossible for Karen to follow in detail, though she ascertained quickly enough that it was indeed Armand at the other end of the line and that there was a minor problem.

  it is possible Armand will be a little late,' said Josephine, putting down the telephone. 'He says maybe, maybe not, depending upon a call from Amsterdam for which he is waiting.'

  Josephine moved over to the windows and pulled down the deep red rollerblinds, cutting them off from the street outside. As she switched on the lights, the interior was transformed. No longer was it a shop, but an Aladdin's cave of glamorous and sensual things; a shadowed world of fetish fantasy. Karen's eyes returned to the mannequins, which stood out in greater detail now that the shop lights were on. 'I don't remember those last time,' she remarked.

  'No,' came the reply, 'they arrived here only two days ago from the house. There, they were photographed. You, I think, would not see them there.'

  'Well, I - er, I do recall seeing something like them, now you mention it.'

  Karen had an uneasy feeling that, at any moment, one of the figures would turn its head and look directly at her.

  'Now we are down here,' suggested Josephine, 'perhaps we will choose our things for this evening. Tonight, we go to see a cabaret, so it is not important if Armand is here late. Today is not so busy and we do not need to book the table.'

  She followed Josephine to the rear of the shop where there were two doors by the side of the stairs, one leading to the office, the other into the store room. Outside the store room, suspended on a coat hanger by an iron wall-hook, was a black garment of rich, gleaming leather. Karen recognised the straitjacket immediately and would have made a point of ignoring it all together. But this one was different. 'Good God!' she exclaimed, hesitating before the ominous garment.

  Josephine stopped and turned, as Karen reached out to touch it. The leather was heavy but still supple. At the collar and waist were heavy straps going all the way around and, in between, at the rear were five smaller straps. All of the straps, as well as the seams, were fixed or reinforced by brass rivets. Each strap ended not in a buckle but with a brass padlock. All the padlocks hung open.

  'Ma cherie,' asked Josephine, mischievously 'you like that?'

  'What? No, no! I was surprised at it. I mean, isn't it a bit of an overkill? All those locks - what's the point?'

  'Yes, all the locks,' replied Josephine, still smiling. This is for total security. It is very strong and has steel wires inside the lining and the straps, so it cannot be cut. Only the one who has the key may remove it.' She turned her gaze to Karen. 'You should model for this. It has never been photographed because it is a new design.'

  'Oh no! No thanks!' responded Karen, backing away from the sinister form. 'I'll be busy enough doing the outdoor stuff. Anyway, you have the mannequins. I'm sure they won't mind'

  'Yes, of course,' said Josephine, 'we have our mannequins!'

  'Tonight, we can be glamorous,' said Josephine, pulling out a dress from the rack.

  She held it up before Karen then turned it away from the light to admire it better. The dress, in deep gold satin, was mid-length and obviously close fitting. Equally obvious was the nature of the bodice, with its wide-set gold shoulder straps and shaped, quarter-cup bra which would leave the breasts exposed.

  'This I have in other colours,' announced Josephine. 'We can have different colours but the same style if you like this.'

  Karen opened her mouth to say no, but thought for a moment and replied, 'Oh, all right, if you're going to, so will I. But I'm putting a coat over it to get there and back, OK?'

  'But of course!' exclaimed Josephine. 'We cannot go out in the street with these. I do not think it would be allowed!'

  'Just as well,' remarked Karen. And under her breath, she said, 'I dare say that's where you'd have me end up if it was.'

  'OK, so we choose a colour for you, shoes to go with it and some nice things from the shop for the ears and neck. I think,' she continued with eyes flashing, 'we will be the belles of the ball, you and I, and Armand will not have the eyes for anyone else!'

  Karen browsed for some time through the dresses, then selected and removed one in deep purple. 'How's that?' she asked.

  'Ah! Merveilleux/' cooed Josephine, it is just right, I think. Just perfect for you!'

  As they began their way back up the stairs, carrying the dresses and other items from the shop, Josephine looked at her watch. 'There is plenty of time, I think. We should take our things to my room. There is something else you should see.'

  'Oh! What's that?' asked Karen close behind, trying to disguise a ripple of mild apprehension.

  'Ah! Just a moment and I will show you.'

  They entered Josephine's room and laid out the dresses, shoes and items of adornment carefully on the bed. 'Now,' said Josephine, 'this way.'

  Karen followed her into the bathroom. Josephine stood aside and flung out her arm with a grand gesture and a cry of, "Voilar

  There was no need for Karen to follow the direction of her arm, for the object of her attention was easily the main feature of the room and more than obvious. Karen folded her arms and laughed. 'Josephine, how on earth did you get a bath that size into this house?'

  'O magnifique, oui?" Josephine laughed, swishing back her long, raven hair.

  it's utterly decadent,' replie
d Karen. 'And quite wonderful!'

  The object of Josephine's pride was deep blue, quadrant shaped, and stood out from the corner of the room to occupy almost half of the floor area. Part of the remainder was taken up by the matching toilet bowl, wash basin and bidet. The walls above and either side of the bath were lined with oblong tiles in mottled shades of red and burnt orange, and the gold taps and shower fittings stood in sparkling elegance against these. The remainder of the walls, as well as the ceiling, were painted a rich cream and the floor was fitted with a rich brown carpet, scattered here and there with thick cream rugs. Large mirrors filled in the remaining spaces.

  They have to take out the window to bring this through,' said Josephine. 'But now, I am very happy with it!'

  i bet you are!' replied Karen, if it was mine, I'd probably spend all day in it.'

  'You must try it out with me,' offered Josephine, it is much too big for one person.'

  'Well I - oh, all right. Yes, I will.'

  'Good!' said Josephine, stepping over to the bath and closing the plughole. 'I will start the water and put in the crystals. We will have much hot water and lots of foam. We will put up our hair, yes? And keep it from becoming wet.'

  Karen had watched the slim, lithe form of Josephine, watched as she eased herself down into the cumulous surfeit of shivering pink foam with a big smile and a bright cry of, 'Ooh la-la!'

  Karen laid aside her bathrobe and in a moment they faced one-another with the billowing froth almost up to their chins. 'Oh, this is wonderful!' said Karen laughing. 'God! It's sheer luxury!'

  'And plenty of room!' sang Josephine, blowing the top from a peak of foam; it scattered through the air like pink snowflakes. Karen seized an armful of foam and attempted to throw it into the air, but it merely rolled down her arms and landed on her nose and mouth. Josephine burst out laughing and took hold of one of her feet. Karen squealed as she lifted the foot up on to her raised knee, i will massage your toes!' exclaimed Josephine, it is good for you!'

  'What's it supposed to do?' asked Karen.

  'Oh, I don't know,' came the reply, 'but it's very sexy!'

  Suddenly, from across the room, came a voice.4Bonjour ladies!'

  Karen and Josephine froze and looked at him wide-eyed.

  'Armand, you pig!' called Josephine. 'You should not walk so quietly upon two innocent girls when they are taking their bath! Go away!'

  Armand, with his round, sun-tanned face, warm brown eyes and black hair, regarded them with some amusement. 'I have to come and say hello because Mademoiselle Karen is here and I have a little present to welcome her to Paris once more!'

  'Armand,' said Karen, 'it's really great to see you again. We'll be out of here soon to come and join you.'

  'No, no!' he replied leaning against the door frame. 'The present I have, you will enjoy more if you stay where you are - look!'

  He reached outside and produced the object which had stood on the floor, until then out of sight.

  'Ah! Magnifiquer cooed Josephine as he held it triumphantly aloft.

  From the silver bucket, glistening and running with condensation, there protruded a large bottle of champagne.

  'Gosh, Fm being spoiled rotten,' said Karen with a huge grin.

  Armand carried the ice bucket over to the bath and placed it down by the side. Karen willingly received his kiss, covering her breasts with her hands instinctively even though the pink foam still obscured them. Without another word, he left the room, only to reappear a few seconds later with three wine glasses, which he placed on the side of the bath. 'See,' he said, 'now we have everything for our pleasure!'

  He pulled away the foil cap and began to untwist the wire cage as Karen and Josephine watched intently. Then he stopped and looked from one to the other. This will be difficult,' he said with an expression of concern. 'You will be embarrassed for me to sit by and watch. It would be better for me to be in the water with you.'

  Josephine at once affected a look of startled horror and turned to Karen with staring eyes and raised brows. 4Mon Dieu! You see how his evil mind works? He has been all the time planning to take away our honour! What do you think of a man like this?'

  Armand, mouth agape and eyes darting from one to the other, appeared lost for words. Karen sank deeper into the water and laughed. 'Oh, you're both so funny! I think you're wonderful!'

  Josephine's face broke into a smile and she turned to Armand. 'OK, you can join us as long as you behave yourself. But first, remove the cork.'

  Armand moved away discreetly from the bath so as to undress. Karen and Josephine continued to talk as though he was not present, until he approached. 'Cover your eyes,' said Josephine, as Armand lowered himself into the water, 'or you will see something terrible!'

  Karen could not recall if they had consumed four or five glasses of champagne each. Josephine had let out some of the water from the bath and had risen to her knees in order to operate the tap and add hot water to bring up the level. She faced into the corner with her behind towards Armand and Karen, who leant back against the curving side. Karen could not help but notice what had caught Armand's attention, for the foam was sliding slowly down Josephine's back, between her buttocks and over her sex.

  Josephine turned off the tap and was about to manoeuvre herself back into position, when she slipped towards Karen. She at once threw out her arms with a loud cry and caught the sides of the bath with her hands, either side of Karen's shoulders. Karen had instinctively put her arms out too, and with their faces almost touching, found herself holding Josephine's firm breasts in her hands. Josephine did not pull away but steadied herself with her knees on each side of Karen's and brought her lips closer. Karen did not resist as they met, and Josephine closed her eyes. Karen kept one hand on her breast and placed the other about her neck. Josephine bit her lip gently and sighed. Karen bit back.

  Armand had arisen to his knees and Karen glimpsed him behind Josephine. His penis shedding pink foam, revealed itself, swaggering and inflamed. She wondered if he would invade Josephine from that position, but he did not. Instead, he placed his hands on her thighs and leant down. Josephine caught her breath sharply, then muttered, 'Oh la-la,' as his tongue found the icon of pleasure nestled within its grotto.

  As the tongue continued, so expertly its dialogue of lust, Josephine's kisses became more ardent and Karen sensed the ripples of pleasure spreading through her body and beginning to rise, first to a flow and on to a torrent. Karen held her tightly as she became increasingly animated. Josephine's breathing shortened to a sequence of harsh gasps. It seemed as though she was about to struggle free of their attentions, she had become so animated, but she only wriggled to spread her thighs wider. Suddenly she thrust her cheek hard against Karen's neck and her body tensed. No sound came for a moment, then she let out a long, wailing, 'Aaaaaaaah!'

  As she raised her head and lowered her body, she placed her hands on Karen's face and kissed her with sighs of gratitude as though Karen had been the instigator of her climax.

  Josephine seemed to relax after a few moments, but eased herself upright and pulled Karen with her. They shuffled themselves around in the water so that Karen was positioned between herself and Armand. Karen realised quickly that she was to become the focus of their attentions and glanced from one to the other with pounding heart.

  Josephine began by renewing her attentions and brought her lips once more to close eagerly upon Karen's. With one arm about her waist, Josephine's free hand slipped down beneath the foam. Armand's hand slipped around from behind and cupped Karen's breast. But it was not that which caused her to start and draw in her breath. Not only had Josephine's fingers coursed snake-like down over the smooth flesh of her vulva to find those other lips which held the key to Karen's lust, but Armand's fingers had, with equal agility, slipped under the cleft of her behind. There they moved for a time, fuelling her with carnal passion, entering at front and rear, withdrawing and teasing. But, before her arousal had gone too far, Josephine grasped her by the a
rms and pulled her to her feet. Karen glanced down, confused for the moment, and watched the pink foam rise and fall against the sides of the bath. Josephine at once pulled up one of Karen's legs and brought the foot down to rest on the edge of the bath, kissed her and fell back to her knees without a word.

  Karen let out a sharp moan, for at once, the game which they had played with their fingers was now resumed with exquisite torment by their tongues. Josephine darted about the moist and reddened lips of her sex, finding and teasing the pearl which lay within. Armand's tongue caressed her anus like an electrode, sending effervescent fire up her spine and into her belly. She splayed her fingers out across her face and moaned in ecstasy as the flames burned into her. They continued for some time to play her aching body like a living instrument. But Armand and Josephine knew how close the orgasm was. Much longer and the tide of lust would overwhelm her. They had to cease for a moment. And in that moment, Armand arose from the water to position himself on the edge of the bath. Josephine arose too and eased Karen back towards him. Armand grasped her thighs and Karen, intoxicated by much more than the champagne, felt herself pulled down over the rearing and inflamed shaft which burned to enter her as she burned to take it inside. Only for the briefest of moments did the swollen head slip eel-like against her before she thrust herself with abandon down upon it.

  Whilst Armand held her from behind, Josephine coursed her lips down Karen's stomach until they reached the very place where she was so intimately joined and penetrated by him. Once more, Josephine's tongue resumed its game, darting from the clitoris to the base of the shaft as it appeared and disappeared like a piston into its natural haven, moving to the rhythm of their beating hearts.

  Within Karen, the fires were beginning to blaze out of control and she felt the moment of exquisite release was closing upon her. But once more she was forestalled, for Armand, in an act which declared almost miraculous command of his own urges, withdrew the glistening lance from her. Both he and Josephine lifted her clear and Karen, mouth agape in bewildered frustration breathed, 'Oh, no! Don't - no!'