House of Temptations Page 24
'So, Pauline,' said Adelle, glancing at Karen, 'you know who this woman is?'
Pauline, in her long black gown with wide cuffs and gold braiding about the high collar, moved around almost ceremonially from behind her desk and stood before the three, i'll say I know her. I know her very well indeed. Why, even in my wildest dreams I never thought
She looked Karen up and down. 'Well, she's obviously wearing a restraint. Let's have a proper look at her and then we can make her feel at home.'
Ignoring the muffled protests, Adelle removed the dressing gown and threw it aside, leaving Karen in full view of the gloating eyes which, at leisure, took in the shoes, pinstripe stockings and thin lace ruffle passing over her vulva. 'Well I never,' declared Pauline with a callous smile; a smile Karen recalled very well was not born out of good humour. 'Fancy seeing this snooty little cow again, and all dressed up like a back street whore! So nicely packaged too. That straitjacket she's wearing looks a real quality job!'
it has locks,' put in Adelle. 'We have not the keys.'
'Oh dear!' replied Pauline walking around the beleaguered Karen and eyeing the little brass padlocks. 'No keys! Well I don't suppose it matters about that since she'd have to keep it on anyway. It suits her perfectly, don't you think?'
it is very smart/ commented Adelle with an ambiguous smile.
Pierre occupied himself with checking the pistol before slipping it back inside his pocket. Pauline continued for some time to study their prisoner. At length she addressed Adelle. 'Let's get her into the other room. I want her totally secure. There are some things I want to discuss with her. This really could be a godsend!'
The room at the end of the landing was not large, but was heavily curtained so that Karen's eyes needed a few seconds to adjust to the subdued light. Set about it were items of furniture and pieces of apparatus only too familiar from the playrooms at the house and the secret room between Sonia's apartment and the beauty parlour. And though the designs may have differed in detail, their purpose was unambiguous.
Pauline and Adelle ushered Karen towards one end of the room, with Pierre close behind. They stopped before what appeared for a moment to be a collection of shiny black leather straps hanging from a steel chain which passed over a ceiling pulley. The assemblage of straps began at head level and finished at the red carpeted floor. They turned Karen around and backed her towards it. It occurred to her what they were about to do and she began to struggle, twisting against the straitjacket and kicking out her feet.
'Pierre! Hold her legs!' shouted Pauline.
Karen stopped the futile attempt at resistance as his rough hands closed about her ankles.
They manoeuvred her up to the harness. Pauline held her upper body and Pierre her legs, whilst Adelle secured the lowest of the straps about her feet, and passed them under her shoes and about her ankles. The remainder were tightened and buckled quickly, restraining her entire body in a web of straps from head to foot, with heavier straps running up her sides to join the chain at the top of her head. Adelle was about to complete the enclosure of the harness by passing a strap over Karen's eyes, but Pauline stood back and said, 'No, I want her to see! Pierre, lift her up a bit!'
Pierre disappeared behind Karen and there began a metallic squeaking and rattling. The harness began to pull and constrict further until she felt herself lifted from the floor.
That's enough!' said Pauline, when some twenty centimetres of space had appeared between the base of the harness and the carpet. "Adelle, please remove the tape.'
Adelle stepped over to a wall cupboard and returned with a small bottle and a paper tissue. Soaking the tissue with the contents of the bottle, she picked away a corner of the tape which sealed Karen's mouth and squeezed the soaking tissue against it. The smell of methylated spirits was unmistakable; the tape started to come away. At last, Karen could speak. But for the time being, she did not.
"Your arrival at our little den,' said Pauline standing before the suspended figure, "is quite fortuitous. In fact it's far more useful than anything I ever knew you to be at the house. Chance is an amazing thing, isn't it?'
"Pauline,' said Karen at last, "you can't keep me in this forever. You have to let me go!'
'You're right,' answered Pauline. 'I'll need the harness for paying customers. But I'm not taking bookings until this place is sorted out so we have plenty of time, believe me. Plenty!'
'Pauline, the police will be looking for me; you know that as well as I do.'
'Yes, well, we may even hear them drive past. But they have no reason to stop here, so I wouldn't hold out too many hopes.' Pauline pulled a small chair over, placed it in front of Karen and sat down. 'Now then,' she said plainly, 'there is something I want to find out. It is very simple, and you will know the answer. Are we ready?'
Karen did not reply. Pauline continued. 'I helped build Sonia's business up to what it is today. I want some of the information which is rightfully mine to use, since I was responsible for putting it there. I know the access codes on your computer system are changed periodically, and I know they were changed when I left. I don't expect for one minute you will have them in your little head, but Josephine will have a record at the shop. Pierre and Adelle didn't find it. They found you instead. All you need to do is ask for the codes as a condition of your release. As soon as we have verified them, you will be taken to the nearest metro station, more suitably attired, that is, and released. What do you say?'
'Pauline, you can go to hell!'
Pauline's expression did not change. She simply looked at Adelle and nodded, saying, 'We need to make ourselves understood properly.'
Adelle evidently did not respond quickly enough in the manner intended, for Pauline's gaze did not change direction. Her eyes opened wider, however, and she said, sharply, 'Now, Adelle! Now!'
Karen was unable to follow Adelle's actions, for the movement of her head was limited. But Pauline arose from the chair and stepped towards the door. As she passed out of sight there was a loud crack. Karen heard the sound before she registered the sharp sting of the strap across her exposed behind. The next stroke fell moments later, causing her to give out a loud cry and to twist about within the restraints. All she achieved was to make her bound body swing around a little on the creaking chain. Adelle continued undeterred. Pierre leant back against the wall and watched, with a grin on his swarthy face and a glint in his narrow eyes. Karen cried out and protested louder and longer with each stroke, but the stinging torment was breaking her resolve and the tears welled up in her eyes.
At that moment, Pauline returned with a small, portable phone held up in her hand. She stood before the hanging figure. 'Are we ready yet? Josephine may be back by now. I'll key in the number as soon as you are prepared to speak!'
'No, no, no!' protested Karen. 'You can do what you like! You'll get nothing out of me, never! And when the police get you, Pauline, you'll be in big bloody trouble for what you've done! Big trouble!'
'I see,' said Pauline, putting down the phone. 'Well, they have to find out first and you're certainly not going to say anything. Not by the time I've finished with you, you bloody little dyke!' She turned to the pair who waited close by. 'Adelle, set up the bottle, the stand and the steel tray. Pierre, make yourself useful. Set up the cameras, then go and get us all a drink. I'll have a gin and tonic - no ice!' As Pierre and Adelle went about their business, Pauline returned her attention to Karen, i really don't mind how long this takes; none of us are, as I say, in any particular hurry.'
Pauline moved out of sight and, for a short time, Karen was able to observe in silence what Pierre and Adelle were doing. The former had positioned what appeared to be three small video cameras on tracks, which also held spotlights. But Karen's fear was not intensified by the sight of the cameras as much as what they were aimed at. For Adelle had removed the cover from what had been a dark and shapeless object at the other side of the room, to reveal the chair. It appeared identical in design and function to that which she had
been placed in at the house, when Carlene and Rodolfo had manipulated her body to a crescendo of lust. But pleasure, at least not hers, was not the aim of these people, only distress and degradation. It was very clear what they intended to do. Pierre left on his mission to obtain the drinks which would complement their forthcoming entertainment. Adelle positioned the gleaming metal stand, some two metres high, next to the chair, whose bright chrome and black leather presence became for Karen an object of dread.
Pauline reappeared, a partially filled rubber hot water bottle in one hand, and a coiled black whip in the other. She handed the bottle to Adelle, who hung it from the top of the stand, then proceeded to fix a deep steel tray in position beneath the semi-circular cut-out in the seat of the chair. Stored inside the tray was a coiled length of clear plastic tubing which Adelle removed. She lifted up the rubber bottle to prevent its contents from spilling, and removed the small stopper in order to insert the end of the pipe. Pauline swung about, uncoiled the short whip and said to Karen, i hope you don't think I'm out of practice with this. Believe me, it's had more use in London than it ever had at the house, and it's got to know far more high-ranking arses than yours!'
She moved closer to Karen. 'When Pierre gets back, we'll give it a little exercise.' She held the braided whip up to Karen's face and tugged it repeatedly before her eyes. 'Pierre loves anything like this. He'll probably want to have a go himself. He's rather good at it, you know! And by the time we've finished, the chair and the soap solution will seem like light relief.' Her face moved close to Karen's and broke into a scornful smile, in fact it will be relief of a sort! And it's all going to be recorded in unpleasant technicolour detail!'
'Pauline!' cried Karen, i'm never going to do what you want! Whatever you do to me, I won't help you. I won't betray Sonia and my friends, so please, don't go on with this. Please!'
'Oh, don't go on with this. Please!' mocked Pauline. 'Well, you haven't heard it all yet, you snooty little dyke!' She turned to the girl. 'Adelle, go and get the scissors, hair clippers and shaver. Once she's in the chair, we can begin by removing the lot!' Looking back at Karen, she reached up and fingered her light brown hair. 'You'll still be recognisable without your dainty locks, believe me!'
Karen shivered at her touch. Pauline glanced around. Adelle had not moved. 'What are you waiting for?'
i - I do not think I wish to.'
Pauline's expression darkened, i didn't ask you what you wished! I told you to go and no! On second thoughts, don't bother. Pierre can do it; he used to be a sheep shearer before his interests broadened into more lucrative operations.' She returned to Karen. 'Yes, it will add a little side-interest to our movie. And do you know what we're going to do with the final tapes? Think about it! There are a number of less scrupulous publications that would take them and,' she continued, the contemptuous smile once more crossing her face, 'before I quitted the house, I took a quiet peep inside your room. Your address book wasn't difficult to find. I dare say your old friends and your parents in their little Shropshire cottage all have video players and would . .
'No!' shrieked Karen, writhing hopelessly against the straitjacket and the harness. "No! You can't do it to me! Not to anyone! You couldn't do that!'
She burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably. The smile remained on Pauline's face. "We can avoid all of this, of course. The telephone is over there. Just say the word!'
"No! You can't! You can't!' wailed Karen, and the tears flowed copiously.
"Adelle, is everything ready?' asked Pauline turning about.
"Certainementr replied Adelle with some reservation. "Now we only await Pierre.
"Yes,' breathed Pauline, "he's taking his time, isn't he? Never mind,' she continued, swinging the whip at her side, "we'll get this little bitch warmed up a bit. He'll miss half the fun if he's much longer!' She stood to Karen's left, legs astride to keep a firm balance, and raised the whip high to strike.
"There will be no more fun for you today!' came the voice from behind Pauline.
She stood frozen for a moment, her face bearing a look of puzzled dismay. Slowly she lowered the whip and turned about to face Armand and Josephine.
"Pierre,' growled Armand, pointing the pistol at her, "will not be coming back. Put down the whip!'
Pauline, her mouth open in an expression of astonished anger, let the instrument of torment fall to the floor. Adelle, knowing there was no way out of the room, moved quietly behind the sinister chair. Josephine at once moved forward and seized the whip. Pauline ignored her and kept her pale blue eyes fixed hard upon Armand. "You wouldn't dare use that,' she said at last.
"No madam,' replied Armand, "but you do not know that for sure. It may go off by accident if you do not do as we tell you! If your foot was hit, it would cause you much pain for a very long time!'
Take off the gown!' ordered Josephine.
'What?' responded Pauline.
Take off the gown!' repeated Josephine raising the whip.
Pauline hesitated and looked from one to the other. Armand raised the pistol up. There was a shattering crack and a blue flash as he discharged it into the ceiling above Pauline's head. 'Do as she says!' he ordered as a thin stream of dust descended on to Pauline's hair.
The helpless Karen gritted her teeth. Adelle sank behind the back of the chair. Pauline, her face expressionless, her eyes glazed, began to slowly undo the gown. Josephine approached the terrified Adelle and said, 'You! Go and undo Karen, quickly!'
Adelle did not hesitate, but arose and hurried over to operate the crank; Karen was lowered to the carpet. Josephine, her eyes darting about the room, saw exactly what was needed, hanging from the wall. Pauline, meanwhile, stood before Armand in a black lace brassiere, briefs and a garter belt which served to hold up her sheer black stockings. The patent leather ankle boots with their spiked heels gleamed cruelly.
As Josephine stepped up behind her, Pauline glanced over her shoulder, only to look ahead once more and find the daunting features of Armand looming close to her face. Slipping the gun into his pocket he at once took hold of her arms and pulled them up by the wrists. He held her hands level at either side of her head. As Josephine fitted the padded steel collar about her neck, Pauline's eyes and mouth sprang wide open and she began to struggle and kick. Armand retained his grip and blocked her feet with his own. The collar closed with a solid click.
From either side of the collar there protruded a rigid steel bar, some twenty centimetres long, each ending in a hinged cuff of smaller dimension but also padded. As these were fitted and closed about Pauline's wrists, ther6 was no mistaking the quality and security of the built-in locks which held them fast.
There,' said Armand. 'Now she must be silenced.'
This will do,' replied Josephine, stepping over to a small shelf. 'We do not need anything elaborate for this. It is better that her face is seen.'
Pauline no longer resisted as the red rubber ball was slipped into her mouth. Josephine quickly tightened the thin strap which passed about the back of her head, and buckled it. They left her standing in helpless anger and turned their attentions to Karen, who stood watching with Adelle close behind.
'We told you to undo her!' snapped Josephine, stepping over to them.
They don't have the keys,' responded Karen, jerking from side to side within the straitjacket. They're still at the shop!'
Man Dieu,' breathed Josephine. Then we have no choice; you must keep this on until we get home.'
'What about her?' said Armand, looking at the frightened and trembling Adelle.
'We can secure her in here for the police to find,' replied Josephine. 'They will all be charged together.'
'Oh, no!' begged Adelle. 'You must not leave me with these people! They have been cruel to me! They know things about me which they say they will tell, if I do not do as they say!'
'You mean they blackmail you?' asked Josephine.
'Yes, that is it,' replied Adelle. 'Blackmail. But now I know much about them too and if you
protect me, I will tell you about it!'
'What do you think?' asked Josephine.
'We can take her with us,' he answered, 'but she must behave. We must make sure of that.'
'I will find something,' said Josephine. 'Then we can deal with these others.'
Josephine was true to her word, but if Adelle thought she was to be treated leniently, she was mistaken. As Josephine pulled off her blue jumper, Adelle glanced about in trepidation. Armand stood by, keeping an alert eye on her and Pauline, who stood watching intently.
Adelle's brief, shoe-string brassiere came off next, to reveal her small breasts with their firm, pink nipples. She was obviously familiar with the heavy black rubber garment they were about to put on her and looked on with abject fear, from Josephine to Armand.
kWe are not going to hurt you,' said Josephine. 4We, at least, can be trusted!'
Adelle, resigned to her fate, slipped her arms into the latex sleeve and stood looking ahead in silence as they pulled the garment about her body and head. To the swish of long laces through metal eyelets, it tightened inexorably about her darkened world.
After little more than a minute, Adelle stood sheathed in a smooth skin of gleaming black rubber from head to waist. The blank face of the helmet was broken only by a small cluster of holes at the mouth and nose. They sat her down in a chair and, with quiet efficiency, went on with their business. Both had taken a good look about the room since their arrival and Armand had devised a plan in his mind, the nature of which Josephine was soon to be made aware.
They took hold of Pauline, whose stifled protest and struggles became all the more acute as it became obvious where she was being directed. Once before the sinister chair, Pauline found hands busy about her body as Josephine wrenched down the lace briefs and Armand tore the straps of her bra away from the stitching in order to remove it completely. The short strap which Josephine secured about her ankles made manoeuvring Pauline into the chair considerably easier than it would have otherwise been.