House of Temptations Page 3
Hands slipped and glided exquisitely about the base of her spine and stomach. Then they were about her thighs and behind, kneading and squeezing with gentle, tantalising sensuality, coursing over the smooth, hairless flesh above her vulva, following the burning trickle of oil which oozed remorselessly down between the cheeks of her behind. The smooth fingers moved close to the focus of her pleasure, but never quite reached the goal, each time making her jerk and take in her breath. Her nostrils flared as she breathed harder, and her heart beat faster. She felt her sex, moist and inflamed, circled by those maddening fingers; awaiting the final assault, the blue flames were already arcing through her body.
She moaned sharply through the gag as a finger and thumb squeezed the lips of her sex together whilst another stroked the clitoris. From behind, a hand slipped underneath and an oiled finger pushed into her anus. She tensed against the straps with a soft moan, twisting her head from side to side as the finger invaded her rear and pushed insistently up into the rectum. Her sex was entered too; this other finger stroking deeply into the core of her lust. They worked her gently enough, but they must have known how close was the crisis, and how she was starting to burn inside. Her moans passed about the rubber ball, louder and shorter as the flames engulfed her. She willed them to enter her more deeply, further than they could possibly go, until she threw back her head and her body heaved in its final, sobbing tumult of bliss.
After the shower, when her body was free of oil and she had wiped herself about with the big pink towel, the aroma of fresh coffee drifted through the slightly open door. When she was dressed, Valerie and Kim greeted and kissed her, as if to offer her their congratulations on the successful passage through some unnamed ordeal. To Karen, the only ordeal might once have been her own shame. But, somehow, this act of affection as she entered the main room of the parlour underscored and finalised what had gone before, so that like a short play, it was ended, and their relationship could return to normal.
Karen left the beauty parlour intending to take a walk before lunch and, perhaps, to find Angela again. On passing from the air conditioned house, through the swing doors and on to the steps of the porch, she encountered two figures. Both were young, not yet twenty, and both had bristling punk hairstyles. It was the first time in many weeks that they had left the house without wigs for, as Karen knew, they had been deprived of their hair in an act of spite by the now departed Pauline. The very Pauline who had changed places with Cheryl and presently ran Sonia's establishment in London. The two girls, dressed in white T-shirts and blue denim mini skirts with designer frayed hems, were occupied with Valerie's ginger cat, Pancake, who stretched out on the step in purring contentment before them whilst they ran their fingers through his fur and scratched behind his ears.
'Hello you two!' said Karen.
Jackie turned first, a smile breaking out under her large brown eyes. Rose, her streetwise blue eyes set in slightly harder features, smiled too and mouthed a greeting.
'What d'you reckon?' asked Jackie, passing a hand across the top of her head. Both had once boasted long hair, Jackie's golden brown like Karen's, and Rose's straw blonde.
it's coming along nicely,' Karen replied. 'You should both be able to go wherever you want now without worrying about it.'
'I'm not going nowhere -'
'Anywhere!' cut in Jackie.
'Right - anywhere, until mine gets longer. I wouldn't dare.'
Rose was a singular case. After eluding the police, who sought her as an accomplice in a jewel robbery in Lyon, she had been caught in the grounds of the house. Sonia had given her the opportunity of going on the run again, or joining her girls, provided she made the effort to cast off her east London coarseness and improve her presentation. It was considered that, like the beautiful and masochistic Jackie, she would prove to be an asset of no mean order in Sonia's exploitation of the male sex.
'At least we can get out more now and talk to the others,' continued Rose, it was like a concentration camp with that old cow around!'
Jackie returned her attentions to the cat and said nothing on the subject. Karen, as well as everyone else, was aware of the strong slave-to-mistress relationship that had existed between her and Pauline. It was a love-hate relationship which often left Jackie in tearful distress, but did not prevent her from falling foul of Pauline with remarkable ease and frequency. Since Rose's arrival, they had shared the same first floor apartment together, next to Pauline's old suite. During this time they had become closer, both emotionally and physically, than most people realised. Even so, neither would consider herself indifferent to members of the opposite sex and of that everyone was, in Jackie's case, well aware.
'How are you finding Cheryl?' asked Karen.
'She's fine.' Jackie smiled. 'I like her more now she's here for good and I know her better.'
'I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her,' commented Rose.
Karen smiled, knowing that getting on the wrong side of Cheryl was something Jackie was certain to do sooner rather than later. For it was now Cheryl's lot to oversee the day to day running of the house, to delegate domestic duties to the more submissive girls and to emphasise their roles through punishments when misbehaviour so required. Jackie was not unfamiliar with Cheryl's methods and Rose too had some experience of them from her early days at the house.
Karen would have chatted for longer but was aware that something was diverting their attention away from both herself and the cat. She looked up. Beyond the driveway, Mike had appeared at the poolside in his swimming shorts. He stood for a time, stretching his limbs in the midday sun before joining Annette in the crystal water.
They weaved and circled about beneath the cloudless sky, plunging and surfacing, their bodies shimmering against the blue tiles below. He broke the water, swept the hair from his eyes and stood, watching her pass close by in her diminutive blue swim slip, limbs moving gracefully, hair billowing over her shoulders.
She saw him waiting and surfaced, pushing back her auburn hair, darkened by the water, bright sun glistening in green eyes. 'You're still a bit sore at me, aren't you, Mike?' She approached him with pouting lips. That's not the grown-up boy I thought I knew.'
His eyes were fixed on hers but his attention was on her breasts, with swollen nipples shedding sapphire droplets of water. 'No, Annette, of course I'm not sore. Wary and suspicious maybe. That's different.'
He recalled the episode the previous summer, the culmination of their secret meetings, when she had set him up in one of the games rooms for a sexual escapade with herself and Cheryl, and caused him, as a consequence, to become fully involved in the activities of the house by having the whole episode recorded. She had exploited him with mischief, not malace, but their relationship had never reverted back to its earlier intimacy even though they remained on superficially amiable terms.
'Don't you think you're better off, now you're a star?' She grinned. 'You get paid for what other men would fall over themselves to pay for, if they could afford it!'
'God! You're so mercenary! There's got to be more to it than that.'
She started laughing.
'Well, I'm glad you think it's funny!' he remarked.
'Oh Mike, you get so serious sometimes! If I didn't think it was fun most of the time as well, I wouldn't be in it, money or no.'
i see. So you did succumb to my charms a little bit? You didn't start out from the very beginning to set me up?'
'Of course I didn't. It just escalated over the weeks. It was as much your fault as mine, but I can't believe you didn't enjoy it.'
Mike considered the proposition, 'Well . . .'
'Come on, admit it!'
'Alright, yes. But I enjoyed it even more when it was you and I without all the damned lights and cameras.'
'Ooh, poor old Michael,' she said tantalisingly, pouting her lips at him and moving closer through the water. 'All those naughty ladies wanting to play with your body and not even the empire left to think about whilst they're
doing it.'
it would help me bear the strain if you'd come over and have a drink with me one day; the way we used to.'
'I'll consider it, maybe, if you say I'm totally forgiven.'
'OK,' he grinned, 'you're forgiven. Totally. I can't see that there's much else you can drop me into, so how about it?'
She regarded him with a hint of amusement in her eyes.
'Well, how about tomorrow?' he pressed.
Tomorrow is Sunday,' she smiled, it's my day of rest.'
'That's fine,' he responded. 'You can come around and rest in my bed!'
'I think you're getting worse,' she replied. 'You know what they do with tomcats don't you?'
He screwed up his face in mock agony. 'Don't say things like that.'
'What time tomorrow did you have in mind, dear?' she grinned broadly.
'How about in the evening, after dinner?'
'Have you changed the bedding since I was last there?' she asked.
'No,' he said, i haven't actually. If you stand and watch, you can see it twitching.' it had better be fit for a lady, that's all, otherwise I'll turn around and -'
'Look, here's Karen,' he cut in.
Annette followed his gaze. Karen waved to them, still halfway between the house and the pool.
'About eight thirty then?' said Annette, waving towards Karen. 'We could meet here first.'
'Right, eight thirty. And I'll have a bottle of Chablis on ice.'
'Chablis! Mike, you tight sod! I expect champagne if I'm coming around to your place. And clean glasses!'
'You drive a tough bargain,' he beamed, dodging the water she threw up at him, 'but I'll sort something out.'
'Hi!' came the voice from the poolside. Karen stood smiling, her hand shading her eyes against the glare from the water.
'Coming in for a dip?' asked Mike.
'No, I was trying to find Angie. I thought I'd track her down and have lunch out here, it's so lovely.'
'Angie's on bar duty,' said Annette.
'Lunch out here seems a good idea,' put in Mike.
i agree,' said Annette. 'You pop over and get some food and drinks while I chat to Karen.'
Mike, taken aback, looked from one to the other.
'No, don't get out,' smiled Karen. 'I'm dressed. I'll wander back and fetch a tray of goodies for all of us.'
Karen retraced her steps to the house. Mike said, 'You weren't trying to get rid of me, were you?'
'Of course not, but you're supposed to be a gentleman and look after us ladies with kindness, consideration and unquestioning obedience.'
'I'll be kind and considerate on Sunday, if not unquestioning!' he teased, then launched himself forward, gliding under the water towards the far end of the pool. Annette settled on to her back, and with eyes closed against the dazzling blue sky, swam slowly in the same direction.
'I hope neither of you considers me an easy touch after Pauline,' she said calmly.
'No,' answered Rose.
'No,' followed Jackie.
i didn't altogether see eye to eye with her over some of her methods,' continued Cheryl, looking from one to the other with her sharp, blue eyes, 'and I don't intend to confine you both to your room. I'll just tell you to keep out of trouble and behave sensibly. I don't want any difficulties. If you agree to that, we'll get on fine. Is that understood?'
They nodded and answered, 'Yes.'
Cheryl, her face an image of cool Nordic beauty, looked younger than her thirty-two years. She regarded the girls intently. Jackie knew, in part from her own experience at Cheryl's hands, that she had trained as a nurse, and that she continued the theme of her earlier profession most successfully when dealing with Sonia's clients.
Cheryl was not emotionally expressive; she smiled even less than Pauline used to, but her manner and her looks, with her loosely permed blonde hair and sensual lips, Jackie and Rose found less intimidating.
'Rose,' she said, 'I'd appreciate it if you would go now and allow me a few minutes with Jackie.'
'Yes, OK,' answered Rose, looking at Jackie. 'I'll get off then and, er - see you later, Jackie.'
Cheryl watched her leave the room and close the door silently behind her. The room appeared much as Pauline had left it. To Jackie, standing in front of the desk where she had so often been called to account, but seeing a different person there, was an odd, mildly disquieting experience.
Go and sit over there,' said Cheryl, indicating the green leather two seater and two single chairs by the window. Cheryl got up from behind the desk and followed her. 'Jackie, would you like a drink?'
'Er - no, no thanks,' replied Jackie with an unsure smile.
Cheryl sat down opposite and regarded her for a few seconds. Jackie looked down at the floor.
'Jackie, I do understand you. I know how it was with you and Pauline.'
'Yes all right!' responded a mildly flustered Jackie, looking up at her. 'I know I'm a bloody nympho and I know
perfectly well what a masochist is! And I know why it suits my old man to have me stay here, OK?'
'You don't have to worry about anything Jackie, that's all. You will come to this office for consultation on a regular basis. Your needs will be dealt with. Do you understand?'
Jackie nodded and answered almost inaudibly, if you say so.'
if you say so,' repeated Cheryl. 'And I do say so, Jackie. I do say so!'
That Cheryl,' said Rose, as they strolled away from the house along the drive, 'she doesn't seem a bad sort underneath.'
'Cheryl's OK,' agreed Jackie wistfully.
Rose gave her a questioning look. 'What did she want you to stay for? Something I'm not supposed to know?'
Jackie looked down with a faint smile. 'Oh, nothing special.'
'OK,' grinned Rose, 'I believe you. Tell you what, though, I reckon life is going to be a bit easier now, don't you?'
'Yes Rosie, you're probably right. A bit easier.'
They turned off the driveway and continued on towards the low rise which separated the house and gardens from the valley. To their right stood the stone chalet with the white painted wooden door and a pick-up truck parked at the rear. Rose regarded it for a moment then turned to Jackie. 'You been in there?'
'What in Mike's place? Well, I suppose I have. Why?'
'Just wondered, that's all,' answered Rose, nonchalantly.
They carried on a few steps further before Jackie asked, 'Why ... have you?'
'Blimey, no! That doesn't mean I haven't thought about it, though. I mean, he's not bad looking is he?'
'I'm surprised you haven't let yourself in before now, Rose, knowing your ability with doors and locks.'
Rose looked back at the chalet, it's an idea, isn't it? What d'you think about us paying him a visit some time to cheer him up? Or d'you think he might get mad with us?' 'Get mad with us? Mike? No way! I'm sure he'd enjoy a visit from a couple of little lovebirds like us.'
'Right,' said Rose, 'so why don't we? Tonight maybe.'
'No, he's doing the poolside barbecue tonight. Sunday's are best. He usually has a few drinks in the bar then spends of the rest of the evening watching TV.'
'So we'll make it Sunday if you're game.'
'Why not?' smiled Jackie as they strolled on. 'He'll think it's his birthday!'
'Atta girl! We'll give him what for!'
'D'you know, Rosie, I'm beginning to wonder if you aren't worse than me!'
'I don't know. Maybe I just fancy letting myself go, now we don't have to look over our shoulders all the time. Don't you think?'
'Rosie,' said Jackie, stopping to face her friend, 'before you turned up, I was the joker in the pack, the one who messed up the order of things. I was the one Pauline always picked on. I know you thought she was a slag - I did often enough, but - but you've never really understood, have you?'
'Understood what?'
Jackie looked at her in despair for some moments. 'Oh, never mind!'
'But I do mind, love,' replied Rose, standing face to
face with her. 'I know I've upset things a bit since I've been here but you and me are real pals, aren't we?' The sunlight glistened in her eyes as she spoke and the breeze from the distant sea caught her hair.
'Yes Rosie, we're pals all right. Real pals.'
They continued on towards the grassy rise, hand in hand.
An Unexpected Guest
'We don't want to be too obvious, do we?' said Jackie, i mean, we're not likely to be going anywhere special around here on a Sunday evening.'
it should be all right if we go down the back stairs and out the back way,' answered Rose.
'But it's usually locked,' said Jackie. But then she realised, saying, 'Oh, of course, that's not a problem, is it?'
'No love, it isn't. I let myself in and out that way a few times before they caught up with me.'
'Let's get changed then,' said Jackie, 'and make ourselves irresistible.'
At eight o'clock, they were almost ready. Rose turned about before the long mirror and saw herself as she wished Mike to see her. She had chosen a long-sleeved chiffon blouse in gossamer black with a ruffle down the front, a mini-skirt in skin-tight metallic grey vinyl with a wide waist band and a large silver ring at the back proclaiming the top of the zip fastener. Her open body tights were of fine black lace, with back seams running down to the high, stiletto-heeled strap-on sandals in the same colour vinyl as her skirt. Her firm breasts, naked beneath the chiffon were easily discerned for the nipples protruded and defined themselves against the shadowy fabric. Like Jackie, Rose saw no reason to understate herself.
Jackie had opted for a shoestring top in white nylon, cut so low at the front as to almost reveal what it was intended to cover. Rose could see her in the mirror adjusting the elasticated tops of sheer black, stay-up stockings. Her shoes were of a similar style to Rose's but in pink vinyl. She adjusted the flared mini-skirt, made of shimmering deep pink satin with a wide belt in deeper pink, fastened tightly to emphasise a slim waist. Their lips glistened a deep pink. Their hair, still short, had been styled and tinted by Valerie to best effect. Both looked ready to pass through the stage door and enter the spotlights as a glamorous cabaret act in some intimate, back street theatre.