House of Temptations Page 7
'Wait a minute!' cried Karen, pulling back. 'What is this?'
'Ah! You have not seen one of these before?' asked Danielle. 'Well, never mind, it is just the final part of the outfit. You will not find it uncomfortable, I think.'
She had a decision to make and she needed to make it quickly. It was obviously some kind of restraint and she was not sure that Danielle and Sophie were the two she cared to share this experience with. Meanwhile they renewed their efforts and lifted her arms up behind her back. She looked ahead, sighed quietly and allowed them to continue. It was not for their sake, or hers, she told herself.
Within seconds, both of her arms were eased fully into the sleeve, enclosed and folded behind her back. Danielle and Sophie worked quickly with the laces, tightening the sleeve upward at each side, forcing Karen's fingertips against her elbows and constricting her upper arms. Once the laces were knotted, Karen looked aside at the mirror and saw her arms encased in the smooth, gleaming rubber, from armpit to armpit, forming a squared letter 'U'. Sophie turned her around until the spotlights over the sink illuminated her face.
'One more thing only, now,' said Danielle, picking up a black leather stool and placing it behind Karen. 'Please sit down.'
As Karen sat, the rubber strap moved between her legs, warm and intimate. Sophie unscrewed the cap from a small flat jar and brought it, with a large, soft brush, close to Karen's face. She dipped the brush into the jar, circled it rapidly about then reached forward and dabbed it about Karen's cheeks. Danielle, standing behind, started to brush her hair in long, sensuous strokes.
i could have done this myself earlier,' remarked Karen.
'But not now. You can do nothing now,' replied the unsmiling Sophie.
Sophie replaced the jar and brush. Continuing her work with a small plastic palette in one hand and a fine, sable brush in the other, she applied shadow make-up above Karen's eyes. She stared intently at her work, much as an artist might regard the application of a delicate detail upon an inert canvas. The brushing of her hair had stopped but Danielle remained at her back, watching Sophie's hands reflected in the mirror as she worked. Karen was unable to see herself, for Sophie stood blocking her vision. Even when Sophie turned again to choose a third item from the counter, Karen's vision, was obscured. She wanted to speak. She felt that sitting in silence was inappropriate, but if she said anything, she feared it would meet with little response. Danielle and Sophie appeared to regard her as a plaything rather than a person, unlike Valerie and Kim in the beauty parlour, who gave her love and friendship as well as intense physical pleasure.
Sophie had already uncapped the small tube when she turned to Karen again. The lipstick was red, vivid red. Karen opened her mouth slightly and closed her eyes whilst Sophie stroked the colour on to her lips, hesitated to regard her work, then added a little more.
For the final act of this miniature ritual, Sophie applied the mascara and eyeliner with the delicacy and precision of a professional. At last, she stood back and viewed the result, glancing briefly at Danielle. Through the mirror, Karen saw Danielle nod her approval.
'OK, we can stand now,' said Danielle, pushing up beneath Karen's folded and encased arms.
Karen arose with care because of the high-heeled shoes and the latex crotch strap. She saw herself in the mirror as Sophie moved aside to let her see. Her eyes widened with surprise, for the face that had been the subject of Sophie's artistry was that of a whore, a participant in a backstreet cabaret in some dubious quarter of a big city. Karen saw herself as a painted doll, and for a moment her mind was numb. When a hand touched her elbow and a voice said, kOK, we will go now,' she instinctively tried to flex her arms. But the rubber sleeve seemed to have set and moulded so closely about them, that even her fingers were immobile.
Danielle and Sophie walked over to the door and opened it. kYou must wait five minutes,' said Danielle. kWe will switch on the lights then you must follow. You will see a gap in the curtains. That is the way to enter.'
They were gone and Karen was alone. She stood before the mirror, seeing a harlot stare back at her, seeing her body packaged and restrained in a manner which made her heart beat harder. She imagined herself walking before an audience as she was now, or perhaps acting out with others some blatant, voluptuous role in which she, the helpless victim, was displayed in an act of lust for all to see.
She looked about the room. There was no clock to be seen. The five minutes would have to be a guess. She looked back into the mirror. What was going to happen next? Why had they left her alone to follow later? Was she going to do as Danielle had told her? There was no alternative. After what she considered an appropriate length of time, Karen walked to the open and waiting door.
When she passed through there was no one to be seen. Ahead of her lay the narrow, curtained-ofT area with the door at its far end where they had entered. But about half way along, light spilled through the curtains and lit up a patch of carpet in front of the gap. She approached the light and stopped a little way short of it, listening. The silence was absolute.
On passing through the curtains Karen found herself in a strange, synthetic world. She had entered a short passage, lit from above by the spotlights, its walls lined with crumpled, sparkling aluminium foil. Not two metres in front, it ended where another passage crossed at right angles. The wall ahead was jet black. Reaching this, she turned to her right and froze with a sharp intake of breath. Directly in front stood a figure on a small plinth set back in an alcove. The figure wore long leather boots, a leather body harness and a small mask. It was otherwise naked except for the bright steel cuffs on its hands and feet. Despite the life-like appearance, with realistic breasts and genitals, Karen soon recognised it to be a life-sized mannequin. But the shock had been real and she wished her arms were free. Behind the model the alcove wall was partly mirrored but just beyond it, the black walls turned abruptly around a corner. She looked back the other way. The other wall was a full-length mirror and she had a full view of herself with the figure standing behind. That way appeared to be a dead end.
She moved on past the figure and around the corner. This short passage opened out on each side to reveal more mannequins; two in each alcove. The walls behind these were also mirrored so that the figures were multiplied. One of them, to her right, was dressed in a shining black vinyl catsuit, and her long golden hair cascaded over her shoulders. In her hand was held a short, black whip in braided leather. The others were dressed in fetish clothing and lingerie, and wore restraints of varying strictness. One of them, dressed in a manner not very different to her own but with its arms contained at the rear in a leather sheath, was obviously male.
She wondered if the entire room was partitioned and set up like this. If so, it must be a bizarre maze. She was aware of how close and intimate it had become and thought how anyone suffering from claustrophobia might react. With the familiar odour of leather and latex in her nose, she moved on to the next junction. This time, very close, a mirror faced her on each side, though to her left, another exit appeared a little way along. She moved on cautiously and around this next turn, finding ahead another mirrored wall with a passage off to its right. Whoever had designed this labyrinth obviously intended that she should repeatedly see herself as she went.
This next change of direction led into a chamber with six figures. On the other side was yet another mirrored passage with a side exit. Karen became still and looked about in awe. The figures were very real and threatening, and seemed to be crowding in on her. All were bizarrely adorned; one was in a blank helmet, straitjacket and harness, and was suspended some twenty centimetres above the floor by two chains. To its side stood a figure wearing a half mask and a long black gown, its hand resting upon a white plaster pedestal. She moved on; seeing the multiplied images under the glare of the lights, and felt that the world had become totally unreal. She could swear that some of the eyes watched her. She hesitated to look at a figure dressed in lace lingerie and wearing steel cuffs at its back
; its wrists were connected by a short chain to a steel collar. At that moment, reflected in the mirror behind it, one of the figures moved. She spun about, frantically tugged at her imprisoned arms and screamed as the figure in the black gown stepped silently towards her. It loomed menacingly, closing in.
They stood face to face. Karen trembled uncontrollably, wide-eyed and transfixed by the eyes which stared through the small holes in the black mask. 'You are enjoying our little game, I hope,' came the voice of Danielle.
'For Christ's sake what are you trying to do?' shouted Karen.
Danielle did not reply but Karen started and cried out again as a hand fell upon her shoulder from behind. She twisted around to see the figure in the black vinyl catsuit, the black whip tucked into its belt. She opened her mouth to speak again but at once, a hand came up before her face and a rubber ball was thrust into her mouth. Danielle held it there whilst Sophie took the strap and buckled it tightly and securely behind Karen's neck. Rendered speechless, she ceased to struggle. Through her turbulent mind rushed the words she could not speak: 'Any moment now! Any moment now, I'm going to wake up!'
They took her inside the alcove opposite to where the gowned figure had stood. By the figure in the lace lingerie was an empty space. Above this space hung a steel chain.
From behind one of the plinths, Danielle withdrew a black leather harness. They fitted this quickly over her body, passing the straps about her waist, her chest and finally about her neck. Connecting straps ran down from collar to waist, between her breasts and over her enclosed arms at the rear. She felt a tug behind then heard a click, and knew at once that they had linked the harness to the hanging chain. Karen tried to move forward but the chain was fully stretched and she found herself losing her balance, only to be kept upright by the chain. The two figures knelt either side of her. Each seized an ankle, ignoring her muffled protests. They pulled apart her legs until the chain took some of her weight and prevented her from falling. She felt the cool leather bands fitted around her ankles, heard the rasp of the buckles and knew that no protest or action was possible, regardless of what they intended to do with her.
But they did no more. The figure in the catsuit left the chamber without speaking. The figure in the gown moved back to the plinth and stood beside it, placing her hand back in position as Karen had first seen it.
Karen gave out a muffled moan and looked around. Everything was still and silent. Regarding the figures grouped about her, for she could see them arrayed kaleidoscopically in the mirrors, she noticed for the first time how like their faces had her own been made to look. Even one of the male figures, in its frozen pose nearby, had been so treated and she had at first, because of its attire, not recognised its gender.
She saw herself reflected clearly, her naked breasts held firmly by the basque, the rubber strap passing down between her legs where it stretched over her sex and through the cleavage of her behind. She was barely able to move and could only sway a little and turn her head. And in the silence, it occurred to her that if she remained completely still, she might be indistinguishable from the mannequins, for that was what she had become. It was surely what they had intended. But why?
Suddenly there were sounds and voices. They were coming from the same direction as the one from which she had entered. She let out a stifled exclamation and stared hard at the motionless figure in the black gown.
'Stay absolutely still!" hissed the voice. They will pass by this way.'
The sounds of conversation grew louder. The terrified Karen fixed her eyes on one of the angled spotlights some three metres away. Breathing in and out hard, she let the harness and chain take a little more of the weight from her outspread legs. The voices were only around the corner, mere seconds away. She wanted to close her eyes and felt a tremor in her belly. Four faces appeared on the far side of the chamber. They emerged fully into the room, their faces bathed in bright light. They looked about at the standing figures with wide-eyed amusement.
At the front of the group stood Cheryl in a denim blue dress with white belt and sandals. The two men, both pale skinned and clean shaven, wore business suits; one light grey, the other pale ochre. One had brushed back dark hair, the other was fairer but receding. Both were in their forties but the fourth member of the party was younger. She was slim and blonde, her long hair hanging down behind over her vivid red two-piece suit with its short skirt and black trimmings. As her head turned from side to side the reflections glinted from her gold-framed sunglasses; the large gold rings in her ears glistened in the harsh light. Her high-heeled shoes in gold leather made her appear tall and elegant. 'Ah, this is very good!' she said with obvious pleasure.
'Ja agreed one of the men, 'we can take much of this for our showrooms."
They are all so real," said the blonde girl, turning about. 'Any moment I expect that one of them will reach down and touch me!'
She approached a figure close to Karen and raised her arm out towards it. It was a female mannequin in a maroon satin corset with black lace trim, and maroon leather, high-heeled thigh boots; its arms were held to its sides by a black leather belt and steel cuffs. She stared closely at its face. This is wonderful! This one we must have, complete with its outfit, jaT
'We'll send you the photographs in a few days,' said Cheryl. 'You'll see them long before the brochure is produced.'
The blonde girl moved along and stood before Karen, smiling. 'This one too - so real.' She turned to one of the men. 'See Klaus, they even have shown a little wetness about the gag!'
The men glanced at her but turned their attention to one of the figures opposite. 'But this is even more real,' commented one of them. 'Even more perfect!'
'OK,' said Cheryl, glancing at Karen's eyes, 'we have time to see another room before lunch if you wish.'
Vtf, good, we should do this,' agreed the man in the ochre suit.
They continued by, but the other male hesitated to touch the basque about Karen's middle. She held her breath, feeling the blood pumping through her bound body. Then they carried on and disappeared around the corner.
Karen closed her eyes, let out a long sigh of relief under the gag and swayed gently on the chain. The gowned figure opposite stepped away from the pedestal and the figure in the catsuit appeared at the entrance to the chamber.
'Better make it a large one,' said Karen, as Angela uncapped the whisky bottle.
'Are you sure about this? You haven't even had any lunch.'
'Quite sure,' replied Karen. 'And no ice.'
'No, I know you don't take ice,' said Angela. 'Was it really that bad?'
Karen eased herself up on to the bar stool and rested her elbows on the counter. 'I'm not sure Angie, I think it might have all been a dream.'
'I thought you looked a bit flustered when you came in just now. You did volunteer though, didn't you?
"Yes/ agreed Karen pensively, i did, didn't I?'
She took a gulp from the glass and watched Angela move the bottles and wipe over the shelves. She looked glamorous in her short, silver sequinned dress with its shoestring top and her matching thong sandals with their high stiletto heels. Glamorous enough to walk right on to a cabaret stage or a movie set. No doubt to Angela, the roles she had played that morning would have been part of the job. Karen could not deny to herself that it had been exciting in an odd way now this part, at least, was over.
'Angie,' she said at length. Angela turned to look at her, a gentle smile passing across her face and her blue-grey eyes.
'Angie, er - don't say anything to the others, will you? I mean, about...'
'Of course I won't. But the publication might be seen here; you know that.'
'God,' said Karen, i didn't think of the obvious, did IT
'Well, I wouldn't let it bother you any,' reassured Angela. This is the one place where it doesn't matter in the least. Look, I really think you should have a bite to eat. You've got another session, haven't you?'
'Yes, at two thirty. Perhaps I'll have a chees
e and tomato sandwich.'
'OK lovey, I'll sort it out. It'll fortify you for the afternoon. Is it something easy you're doing?'
i don't know,' replied Karen, i - I thought it would be better if I just jumped in.'
'God, you're braver than I am then. I wouldn't '
'Hi!' cut in a voice from behind.
Karen turned to see Mike entering from the conservatory, and wiping his forehead with a blue handkerchief.
'Looks like a large beer might be needed,' suggested Angela.
'Spot on!' replied Mike, sitting down on the bar stool next to Karen, it's too hot to be working out there today. I'm going to cheat if Sonia isn't looking and go for a swim.'
'She's not in today/ said Karen.
Then d'you fancy coming out for a dip? There's nobody else around.' He smiled.
Td love to, Mike, but I've got work to do.'
He looked into her soft brown eyes and sighed, kAh, such devotion.' Then he noticed the half finished glass of scotch, i suppose if I was cooped up in that office all day, I'd take to the booze as well!'
On leaving her room Karen was trembling more now than when she had begun. She had no idea what the strangely indifferent Danielle and Sophie were going to do with her other than that it would be quite different from what had already transpired. Clutching the belt of her bathrobe, she hurried once more down the back stairs to join the two who she knew would be waiting.
They were there. But they waited not outside either of the rooms they had previously used, but at a doorway closer to the middle of the corridor and opposite to Cheryl's apartment. This door was already partly opened and Sophie entered as Karen approached. Karen passed through without a word. Danielle closed the door behind them.