House of Temptations Page 10
Rose shuffled self-consciously in the seat. 'It's someone who likes - er, being whipped?'
'Well, that can be part of it. To some people that's all of it. It generally applies to people who get pleasure out of pain, humiliation or both. There are many in positions of power and authority ta whom this type of treatment appeals greatly. For them, it is the other side of the coin, the side they wish to be kept secret. For people in the public eye, politicians for instance, it can be risky and that risk can add to the excitement. However, they need to find people they can trust in order to fulfil their desires. That costs a lot of money. That is in part how Sonia, and others here and in various European cities, make the money that pays for all this. We don't just sell what these people like to have done to them, Rose. We sell reliability and discretion. You see, occasionally, one of them gets found out. And of course, all their pals and associates distance themselves from them, as though they've got the plague, even though they might be at it themselves, or worse.'
That's why Pauline's in London,' said Rose.
'Yes. Look here. I might be going over things you already understand. I appreciate you're young in years Rose but you've got an older head on your shoulders and you pick things up quickly.'
'Well,' answered Rose thoughtfully, 'I put two and two together a while back. But what goes on here Cheryl, that's not too secret, is it? I found out without much trouble, didn't I?'
'Yes Rose. But this is a private house and we're in a more tolerant country. The sort of people I'm talking about don't even know it exists, except maybe through hearsay, and they wouldn't dare be seen near the place even if they had our address.'
'You wouldn't want me going over there like you and Annette and some of the others, would you?'
'Oh no, Rose. That would be far too risky. But of course that doesn't mean you can't go to some other parts of Europe. There are glamorous people, interesting places ...'
Rose considered for a moment. 'Jackie never goes away, does she? She's here all the time.'
'Yes, well, I assumed you might know about that. She's not the most discrete of people.'
'No, she's told me all sorts of things but - well, you tell me.'
'It's her father, Rose. He's an acquaintance, a client if you want the truth, of Sonia's. Jackie is not the best person to have running around loose if you're in public life as he is. You already know her physical needs, I'm sure.'
Rose looked at Cheryl and a flush of embarrassment shaded her face. Cheryl continued. 'He regarded her as a liability and felt it a good idea to keep her out of the way. At the same time her needs could be catered for in full. She was the only one sorry to see Pauline go; you must have realised that. I think almost everyone else has.'
'Yes,' said Rose, 'it wasn't too difficult to figure that one out. But I like her Cheryl. She's a good pal to me and we have a good laugh together.'
'Yes, a good laugh,' said Cheryl. 'That's very important. Never take anything too seriously even if you have to appear to. That was Pauline's problem. Even if you keep a straight face, always see the funny side. You will need to, believe me!'
Rose drank the remains of her sherry. 'Is Jackie -?'
'She's over the corridor, Rose. In the room you first broke in to.' Cheryl looked at her watch. Rose kept her eyes on Cheryl, waiting, it's time I attended to her, Rose. You may join me if you wish in our little ritual.'
'What are you going to do?'
i'm going to punish her in the way she expects. But what she won't expect is that you will be joining me. She thinks you are going to be punished too, as indeed you should be. Do you wish to do it? Do you wish to take part?'
Rose considered for a moment, recalling that she had already played this role with Jackie but that Cheryl could not know of it unless Jackie had told her. This, she considered unlikely. 'All right, I'll join in. But I won't harm her, Cheryl!'
'No Rose, we're not going to harm her,' answered Cheryl, getting up from the chair, it is not my intention to harm anybody. It will be recorded, of course. You must take that for granted on all such occasions.'
Rose did not reply but. followed her to the door. They crossed the corridor and entered the room, passing directly into the softly lit area with its black leather suite and low table.
'We'll get changed first,' said Cheryl, pulling open the large mirrored door of the walk-in cupboard. 'What do you think we should wear, Rose? What do you feel would be suitable?'
Rose looked inside the cupboard and pondered for a time. Her eye fell upon something hanging from one of the racks and she turned to Cheryl. 'It should be plain and black; like those catsuits hanging up behind.'
'Very well,' said Cheryl, looking over Rose's shoulder, 'we'll go for those. That's what we'll wear. We'll make ourselves appear very intimidating, won't we?'
It was some ten minutes later that they stood before the big mirror. For a moment, as they remained motionless, they were as black marble statues in the rose pink light. The satin lycra catsuits covered each of them like a skin.
Only their heads and hands remained exposed. On their feet were black, patent leather sandals with high stiletto heels. Rose ran her hands down over her breasts and thighs, the thin material detracting little from the feel of her fingers.
'One more thing to put on,' said Cheryl, reaching into the cupboard where she pulled down a small box from one of the shelves. She withdrew two pairs of short, black latex gloves, before replacing the box. She handed one pair without further comment to Rose. Both stood and eased on the gloves, snapping them and flexing their fingers until their hands, like their bodies, reflected the light in a dull, eerie sheen. Rose smiled. Cheryl looked satisfied. Rose watched her place a number of items into a plastic bag but could not ascertain what they were.
She stepped back out into the room and said, 'One of our little black bags, Rose.'
Rose regarded the bag as Cheryl let it swing in her hand for a few moments. She did not know what it contained but did not doubt that whatever it had inside was intended for Jackie.
'Shall we go?' asked Cheryl, indicating the big archway with its heavy black curtain.
'Ready when you are,' replied Rose.
'Remember,' added Cheryl, 'keep conversation to a minimum. Concentrate on what you are doing and look business-like. Let all the emotional expression come from our subject. It is the effect it has on her that is important. Understand?5
Rose nodded dutifully. 'Yes, I understand.'
Cheryl pushed aside the curtain and entered the next room with Rose close behind. Rose had forgotten what Cheryl had said about recording and expected to find the room bathed in the same soft light as when she had first seen it. But it was not. The spotlights glared down from their tracks, illuminating with stark crispness the sinister contents of the chamber; the black leather gleaming, the chromium and steel, harsh and bright. Rose glanced about the room.
In a steel cage to her left, stood what Cheryl had described as their subject. Her legs were clad in stockings of sheer black lace with gold glitter-patterned and lace garter tops to hold them up. On her feet were gold vinyl stiletto-heeled shoes. From neck to waist Jackie was encased in an envelope of sleek, black vinyl, her arms held securely within it, and folded across her front. She stared wide-eyed through the bars at Rose. Cheryl placed the bag on the floor by a padded leather table. 'She'll keep the straitjacket on, of course,' said Cheryl as they moved towards the cage. There'll be no problem in controlling her whilst she's wearing it.'
'Rosie!' came the voice from within the cage. This isn't just a - I mean, you're not supposed to!'
Cheryl ignored her and taking the key from its wall hook, inserted it into the cage door. Rose remained silent and watched Cheryl intently. The steel door swung open with a metallic sigh.
'Out!' ordered Cheryl.
Jackie obeyed, looking sideways at Rose in bewilderment. Rose overcame with some difficulty the temptation to smile and speak. Cheryl propelled Jackie towards the table but as soon as it was ob
vious that this was their destination, she pulled back and turned, opening her mouth in protest. 'No! Wait!'
But Cheryl indicated to Rose that she must help and Rose responded quickly, stepping to the opposite side of Jackie and assisting her in her efforts. Jackie was unable to prevent them from moving her on. Rose was aware as to the reasons for Jackie's concern. Their relationship had, up until now, been equal and one to one. Even when Rose had rendered her helpless and teased and tormented her, it had only been a game. They had suffered ordeals and humiliation together at the hands of Pauline. Always it had been together. Now, Rose had changed sides without warning, and left Jackie uncertain, insecure and helpless.
The table stood some seventy-five centimetres high. It was under a metre wide, and its length was that of an average person. Its tubular steel legs were set well back from the edges and formed a cluster of supports near the centre. At its head, spaced a short distance on either side, were fixed two steel poles running from floor to ceiling, each bearing a leather cuff attached to a point less than a metre above the surface of the table. Jackie made a token resistance as they eased her back and on to the table but, without the use of her arms, she could not expect to achieve anything.
Rose stood next to the table, supporting Jackie with her arm. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cheryl reach into the bag and also saw what was taken from it. She looked into Jackie's eyes and, with a fleeting smile, kissed her on the lips, winking discreetly as she pulled away. Cheryl showed no reaction but passed the red rubber ball in front of Jackie's mouth and forced it between her lips. Rose held it in position with finger and thumb, her other hand behind Jackie's head, whilst Cheryl tightened and secured the strap behind her neck. They let her head down and Jackie, keeping her legs together, lay on her back and looked from side to side. Cheryl leant over her, and from pockets inside the leather padding of the table, drew out a strap on each side of Jackie's waist. In a moment, this was fastened about her body, just below the straitjacket. The action was repeated, but this time the straps passed around her chest to secure her upper body completely. Cheryl tugged at one of the straps hanging from the poles and said to Rose, 'Ankles in these.'
At once, both of Jackie's ankles were seized and her legs pulled upward, apart and back. The cool and firm embrace of the leather cuffs about them was followed by the rasp of buckles as each ankle was secured firmly to its steel post. Rose watched Cheryl move to the end of the table and reach underneath. There was a sharp click and a section of the table came away in her hands, leaving the new edge under Jackie's exposed behind. The next stage was done just as quickly for the sides of the remaining length of the table were hinged down to leave Jackie supported on a surface of only thirty centimetres in width.
Cheryl looked at Rose across the splayed out legs. 'We can begin her treatment now,,but you may care to notice that she is already beginning to show signs of arousal.'
Rose continued to watch as Cheryl emptied the contents of the bag on to a nearby chair. Rose could see clearly what the helpless Jackie could not.
Cheryl busied herself for a moment before turning to face Rose. In her hand she held an object which Rose had seen depicted but never before encountered. It at first appeared to be a male-shaped, pink rubber vibrator, and though of normal thickness was only some twelve centimetres long. One end was rounded and blunt but it narrowed abruptly at the other end to flare out again into a disc. Cheryl held it blunt end upward in her hand, and Rose saw it glisten as clear jelly flowed slowly down the sides.
'Are you familiar with these?' asked Cheryl, bringing the object down between Jackie's legs.
'No, I don't think so,' answered Rose.
'You'd know if you were,' remarked Cheryl, as she brought the head into contact with Jackie's anus.
Jackie tensed visibly and let out a muffled moan as it was forced harder against her.
'There,' said Cheryl. 'She can't resist it - not with the lubricant. Now, we do it slowly so that it slides up into the rectum. Once it goes far enough her muscle will close over the narrow neck and hold it in place.'
Jackie gasped about the gag as the probe entered her coolly, feeling larger by far than it really was. When Cheryl removed her fingers, all that could be seen was a flat latex disc just below Jackie's visibly moistened sex.
'She is very sensitive there, you know. As she struggles, it will move about inside her. She won't be able to stop it.'
i bet,' muttered Rose, imagining that she felt the sensual invader moving within her own body too.
Cheryl reached back to the chair and picked up two items; she handed one of them to Rose. Jackie saw the black school strap, its three tails swinging against the lights, as Cheryl held it deliberately in full view of her before handing it to Rose. She saw, too, that Cheryl held a similar strap of her own. Sfye let out a loud but muffled protest, her eyes shifting with alarm from one to the other, her lips sealed about the rubber ball.
'As you are right handed,' said Cheryl, 'you work on her right. I'll use my left hand; I'm used to it.'
Jackie protested again. This time she writhed against the restraints, the heels of her shoes squeaking against the steel posts at either side.
'Will you begin or shall I?' asked Cheryl.
The answer was a sharp crack as Rose brought the strap down against the right side of Jackie's behind. The next stroke followed quickly from Cheryl, who placed her free arm around Jackie's left thigh. Rose did likewise with the right thigh for her second stroke; she could feel the flesh twitch hard as the blow fell.
The protests become longer and louder with successive strokes, the legs jerking alternately against the restraints as each crack echoed about the chamber. The tears filled Jackie's eyes and ran copiously down her cheeks to form a damp patch at either side of her head. Her behind showed irregular markings of deep pink where the straps had played their game of torment across her flesh. Before the next stroke, Cheryl took her hand from the thigh and brought her fingers down to the rubber disc which covered Jackie's anus. She pressed and moved it with a small circular motion as the strap was applied, then nodded to Rose and mouthed silently, 'Go on.' Rose understood.
She had seen, as must have Cheryl, how inflamed and wet Jackie's sex had become. She too released the thigh and, applying the strap once more, slid her fingers down the shaven skin above the vulva until they rested against the quivering heat. As Cheryl applied the next stroke, Rose's fingers lighted upon the pearl of voluptuousness and slid into Jackie with tentacle-like ease. Jackie gasped about the latex ball and both Cheryl and Rose, feeling her body become rigid, knew her time was very close.
With the tailed straps put aside and the two hands working on her, Jackie's protests became moans; moans which soon became more urgent. Rose could almost feel relief herself as the currents of lust surged through Jackie's body and she heaved against the restraints. It seemed as though she would burst them, crying out through the gag as though the life was passing from her.
Each of them released one of Jackie's ankles and undid the straps about her body. Jackie closed her eyes, drew up her knees and sighed.
This isn't altogether new to you, is it?' asked Cheryl softly.
Rose looked into her eyes and opened her mouth but no reply came.
i thought not,' breathed Cheryl. 'Come on, let's get her undone and clear up.'
Cheryl reached under Jackie's behind and slowly withdrew the anal plug. Rose reached behind her head and undid the strap, pulling the rubber ball glistening with saliva, out of Jackie's mouth.
'Cheryl,' said Rose. 'I'll sort everything out if you like. I think Jackie might be a bit annoyed.'
Cheryl looked from Rose to Jackie. Jackie smiled weakly. 'I don't mind.'
'OK,' agreed Cheryl, 'I'll do a couple of things and leave you to it.'
They sat on the edge of the bed in the darkness, Rose's arm about Jackie's shoulder, if you're mad at me Jackie, I'm sorry. I thought it might be more fun for you, because we're pals, see.'
'I'm not mad at you, Rosie. It's just that I didn't expect it. You see, it's different with Cheryl. She's not a friend like you; it's not the same.'
'Then I won't do it again Jackie, honest I won't. And I'll make it up to you.'
'Will you, Rose?'
'Yes, I said I will.'
'Then promise me something.'
'All right,' answered Rose, 'go on.'
'OK, you've had your fun with Mike. I know you fancy him. When Carlene and Rodolfo get here, it's my pitch with him, yes?'
'Yes love, I promise.'
Then it's OK, I'm not mad with you, Rosie.'
They sat in silence for a time, hearing the chirp of insects drift through the window on the warm night air.
'Are you still comfortable?' asked Rose.
'Yes, I'll survive.'
'Because,' continued Rose, 'I'm not going to undo you until the morning, you know that.'
it's not the first time I've slept in a straitjacket, Rosie. When Pauline was here -'
'Sod Pauline!' cut in Rose. 'It's us now, right?'
in that case,' said Rose, 'are you tired?'
'Not particularly,' answered Jackie.
'Then that little toy we played with once, the double-ended job. Where is it?'
'God!' sighed Jackie, i thought you'd never ask. It's in the top draw right ahead. You don't need the light.'
The Stars Return
By Thursday everyone knew they were coming back for a few days. The nearest anyone could say about their time of arrival was that it should be during lunch time. They had left Marseilles earlier that morning. Karen had learnt from their stay the previous autumn what effect Carlene and Rodolfo had upon almost everyone. Gone were jeans and T-shirts, all relegated to the darkness of the cupboards, out came the more stylish and glamorous clothes worn on special occasions. The two who remained least affected were Jackie and Rose, whose inclination to appear out of the ordinary had never required a pretext.