House of Temptations Page 11
Sonia had said earlier, 'When they arrive, let me see them to say hello, then take them into the bar for a bite to eat. And, by the way, they'll have someone with them who's never been here before. Someone none of you will have met.'
Nothing more was mentioned about the third person but it would not be long before Karen's curiosity was satisfied. She was sharing a light lunch with Annette and Valerie in the bar. They sat close to the archway which separated the bar room from the conservatory. From beyond the archway, a voice called, i think it's them!'
'Rodolfo must be something special,' remarked Valerie. 'He seems to have outlasted the rest.'
'He's from a fairly wealthy family, isn't he?' commented Annette. 'He doesn't have to sponge off her. In fact,' she continued, smiling at Karen and Valerie, 'I might get her to let me know when she's finished with him.'
Td better go and meet them,' said Karen.
They're coming in here, aren't they?' asked Valerie.
kOh yes,' answered Karen, getting up from the chair, 'but Sonia has to see them first.'
When Karen pulled open the front door, the red sports car had already glided up and stopped by the portico and the three passengers were lifting out their bags.
"Karen baby - hi!' Carlene beamed. Her dark eyes flashed, and her voice was resonant with enthusiasm.
'BuongiornoV Rodolfo smiled, and waved his hand in a grand operatic manner. The third member of the party glanced up but said nothing.
Like everyone else, Karen had foregone too casual an appearance for the occasion. She wore a short, form-fitting sleeveless cotton dress in deep blue and with a black chiffon panel forming a deep V between her full breasts. About her waist was a braided gold leather belt and on her feet were matching gold sandals. It was as formal as she wished to be, though it was obvious as they walked the short distance towards her, that in the manner of attire, as in almost everything else, Carlene was not in the habit of making concessions, even in the warmth of this day. For the sun stood high in the azure blue and the heat of its embrace was not to be ignored. Karen felt relieved on her behalf that the house was effectively air conditioned. The stunning, wide-eyed Carlene, whose African father and Caucasian mother had bestowed upon her the beauty of both races in full measure, entered and put down her travel bag. She turned, took Karen enthusiastically by the arms and looked searchingly into her eyes. 'Well, it's just great to see you again, kid! How are you doing?'
They kissed each other on the cheeks, i'm fine,' said Karen with a smile.
Rodolfo moved up to her and she smiled into his blue eyes. 'Hello Roddy.'
Rodolfo at once took her hand. He held it with both of his own and pressed it hard to his lips. kAh, signorina, how often your image has passed before my eyes since we last met.'
'OK Roddy, quit crawlin' up to the kid and shift yourself!1 Carlene grinned as the third member of the party approached.
She was slim and of average height, her skin a soft brown, her age no more than twenty. With her high cheekbones and eyes as dark as Carlene's she held a countenance of striking beauty. She smiled gently, and with practised grace, held out her hand to Karen. Karen took the hand. Carlene said, 'Karen meet Indrani - Indrani, Karen.'
The girl smiled and gave a hint of a curtsey. Karen at once felt that Indrani was different to anyone else she had ever met. It was as though she was in the presence of one whose breeding and charm had been nurtured over generations.
Sonia was already waiting at the door as they reached the main office; she was wearing her black leather biker's jacket and black, satin lycra leggings with high-heeled ankle boots. Sonia always did as she wished. She did not need to make any concessions.
'Oh! Sonny.' Carlene, laughed as she seized and kissed her. it's great to be back with you and all these wonderful ladies again!'
Sonia returned her kisses and turned to Rodolfo. 'And it's nice to see you again, Roddy.'
'Ah, signorina,' he said with a look of exaggerated concern, 'all of the pleasure is mine.'
The hand kissing was repeated, but with considerably more reserve than had been experienced by Karen.
indrani,' said Sonia, holding out her hand, 'I'm so happy to meet you at last.' Indrani mouthed an inaudible greeting.
'Shall I tell the others they're coming through?' asked Karen.
'Yes, my dear,' answered Sonia. 'Just give us five minutes.'
'Do they all look mega-glamorous?' asked Annette.
'Carlene certainly does,' replied Karen. 'She's a real eye-opener this time. You should see her outfit.'
This other girl,' said Valerie, 'what's she like?'
'She looks Indian,' answered Karen. 'She's a bit younger than Carlene and really lovely.'
'Quick - look at him,' whispered Annette with a giggle. 'Be casual about it. Don't let him see you staring.'
Valerie and Karen glanced aside. Across the room, a little way from the entrance, sat Mike, wearing a denim shirt and fawn slacks. He held a newspaper in his hands and studied it with silent concentration. Before him on the table stood a half finished glass of beer.
'He's pretending to read the paper,' said Annette, 'so it doesn't look as though he's waiting to see Carlene. His eyes haven't moved at all in the last five minutes, I'll swear.'
I can't wait to see his face when they walk in,' said Karen trying hard to contain her laughter.
i think you're just about to,' commented Valerie, looking towards the door.
Carlene entered the bar room like a film star. Her eyes flashed and she beamed a broad smile around the room. 'Hi babes!' She grinned, raising her arms. 'How are you all today?'
There was a unanimous response of smiles and waves. Rodolfo followed her into the room, pushing back his sleek black hair; he bowed elegantly and threw out his arms as if in expectation of a round of applause. Indrani followed, smiling gently but did no more than raise her hand a little. Nobody could fail to be impressed by the image of Carlene. The little furry grey beret which topped her glossy black, shoulder-length hair was fixed at a cheeky angle. Her suit, in lightweight cotton, bore a fine black and white checked pattern. The jacket was cut away and open at the front to reveal a high-necked satin blouse in vivid crimson with a black satin bow at the neck. The skirt was tight and conspicuously short, with a high waist and a wide, glossy black vinyl belt. Her sandals, in similar material were poised on high stiletto heels. The ensemble showed one feature off more than any other: her legs. They were beautifully formed, and sheathed in sheer gossamer nylon. Her large pendant earrings sparkled as a counterpoint, as they swung about and flashed above her shoulders.
i bet she didn't drive here in those shoes," muttered Karen.
Must look at him' said Valerie, nodding towards the seated figure at the table opposite.
Mike had lowered the paper and, with mouth slightly open, had his gaze frozen upon the lower part of Carlene's anatomy.
i think he's dribbling,' remarked Annette.
The grinning Rodolfo, his clean shaven jaw jutting out, wore a tan-coloured chamois shirt, open low enough to reveal a large medallion. 'Looks like a bloody dinner gong,' mused Valerie.
His deep blue slacks were ornamented with numerous brass studs and were held about his slim waist by a braided leather belt sporting a large and ornate brass buckle. But all eyes had moved to their companion. She was more simply adorned in a plain, close-fitting, sleeveless white dress, which finished below her knees but had a split side which ended well up on her thigh. About her neck was a wide choker of braided gold wire set with gleaming black stones. On her feet were white, wedge-heeled open sandals. The dress might not have been as showy as Carlene's outfit but it did nothing to disguise the firm and curvaceous figure which lay beneath.
'OK kids!' announced Carlene, putting her arm lightly about the girl's shoulder and easing her forward. 'This gorgeous and innocent little lady is Indrani! She's here for our show, but she can't stay for now because she has to talk to Sonny. But at least you've all met her!'
; Indrani smiled and raised her hand but only hesitated for a moment before turning to leave the room, her glossy black hair swinging down almost as far as her trim waist.
'She's a real cutie, isn't she?' remarked Annette. 'I wonder what she's into.'
i'm told she practises yoga,' answered Karen. 'As part of her work, that is.'
'That sounds interesting.' Annette grinned.
Carlene was already chatting and laughing with Angela and Lorna at the bar, when Valerie asked, is he all right?'
They looked at Mike, who had evidently still not moved.
i think he's gone into shock,' said Annette. Td better do something before Carlene gets closer or he'll stop breathing and we'll lose him.'
Annette dipped her fingers into her glass of orange juice and retrieved two ice cubes. Holding them on the palm of her hand, she rose from the chair and quickly crossed the buzzing room to stand behind the seated figure, who showed no sign of being aware of her presence. All conversation stopped abruptly as a cry cut through the air.
Everyone except Annette, who was returning to the table with an expression of plain nonchalance, turned to look at Mike. He had risen suddenly and knocked over his chair as he struggled with the back of his shirt and tugged at the rear of his belt.
'Oh, you poor guy!' proclaimed Carlene, stepping towards the tormented figure. Suddenly, he stood upright and yanked hard at the seat of his slacks. An expression of alarm crossed his face as be began to shake his left foot. Carlene put out a hand to support him as the room looked on; two glittering ice cubes were expelled from his trouser leg and jumped across the carpet to come to rest in the middle of the floor. There was an immediate and enthusiastic round of applause. The outraged victim glared at Annette. Annette winked demurely.
'Oh my,' said Carlene, putting her arm about the embarrassed Mike, 'who would do such a terrible thing to a nice guy like you? Come and sit down, baby. Take it easy.'
He sat down, grinning sheepishly. He glanced at the hem of Carlene's mini-skirt and the enticing thighs which were uncomfortably close to his face. Carlene bent forward, squeezed his shoulder and kissed him on the forehead with a deliberately loud sucking noise.
'I think he's going to have a seizure,' hissed Annette.
Carlene turned about with her hands on her waist and wiggled her behind in front of his face with a shrill, 'How's that, baby!' Mike's eyes widened, but the smile remained.
'Poor Mike,' said Karen, 'he really does get teased, doesn't he?' 'Poor Mike!' exclaimed Valerie. Til bet you couldn't persuade him away from here with a kilo of gelignite!'
i think we have another floor show coming up,' said Annette. 'Look at Hot Roddy!'
Whilst Carlene laughed loudly and chatted with Angela and Kim, Rodolfo had strolled casually across the room to where Jackie and Rose sat.
'He's taking the bait,' added Valerie.
'Ah, Madonna,' said Rodolfo as Jackie got up to greet him, her firm breasts barely covered by the black nylon shoestring top. She circled his waist with her arms and they kissed, Rodolfo slipping his hands down over the back of her blue denim mini-skirt. Rodolfo, looking over her shoulder said, 'And the signorina, I think we have not met before.'
'This is Rose,' said Jackie. Rose held out her hand but remained seated.
'Ah, la bella Rosa,' sighed Rodolfo. As he bent to kiss her hand he gazed hard into her eyes.
Rose remained impassive apart from a fleeting smile, then she got up and said, i'm going to talk to Mike for a while if you want my chair.'
Rodolfo stepped aside to let her pass and smiled. 'Mille grazie, signorina.'
Jackie and Rodolfo sat opposite each other at the small table. Almost at once, their voices became soft and inaudible.
'You very busy?'
Mike looked up to see Rose standing by him in her translucent, cobalt blue blouse and black, skin-like, satin lycra tights.
'Me busy?' He smiled. 'No, not really - not since the ice cubes that is.'
'Fancy a walk, then? Everyone else seems to be occupied with something except for you and me.'
He put the newspaper aside, finished the remains of the lager and stood up. 'OK Rosie, I wouldn't mind a walk.'
'Can't go out in the fields wearing these, though,' grinned Rose, indicating her black leather, stiletto-heeled ankle boots.
'Perhaps just as well,' muttered Mike as they crossed the room to the sound of whooping laughter from the effervescent Carlene. He was unable to resist a final glance at her legs as they passed by. Annette watched Rose tuck her arm into Mike's as they left via the conservatory, then glanced over her shoulder to see Rodolfo and Jackie, hands held across the table, in close and hushed conversation. She smiled to herself.
'No more entertainment after all,' said Karen.
'Not yet,' replied Annette, 'but I think we're working up to it.'
Moments later, Cheryl entered from the main corridor, followed closely by Indrani and Sonia. Everyone, except for the preoccupied Rodolfo and Jackie, had cause to notice; not only because of the new arrival, but because Sonia herself was not a frequent visitor to the bar room. They passed through and into the now unoccupied conservatory, Cheryl watching the pair at the far end of the room as they did so. As they pulled back the chairs by the French windows, she also observed the two strolling along the driveway towards the swimming pool.
'Looks like a cabinet meeting,' remarked Valerie.
'I think they're still planning for tomorrow,' said Annette.
'Sonia wants to do some kind of deal with Indrani as well,' added Karen. 'I don't know what.'
'I'm doing that lovely hair of hers before dinner,' said Valerie. 'Maybe I'll sound her out then.'
Had Karen entered the first floor room that afternoon, she would have been aware of some changes since that first scene with Sophie and Danielle. The dining table and chairs were gone and the lighting had been altered. The main feature still remained; the circular black curtain, hanging from its curved track and enclosing an area of somewhat less than three metres across.
Before the curtain stood two figures, bare breasted and positioned as sentinels. Both Angela's silver blonde and Kim's light brown hair were swept back and hung as pony tails down their backs. Each wore an ornate bronze pectoral about her neck and, below the waist, a skirt made of brown leather straps, embellished with brass studs and held high about the waist by a wide, scroll-decorated leather belt with an ornate bronze buckle. Their laced brown boots fitted tightly up to the middle of the thigh, to just beneath the hem of the skirt, where they flared out slightly. Each stood still, posing with hands upon hips, waiting.
The only sound within the room came from the left of the two figures and the curtain. Against the wall stood a steel cage, brightly illuminated from above. Within the cage was enclosed Indrani, standing with her hands manacled to the bars of the cage roof. As she twisted about, the metallic creak of the chains broke the silence. Apart from a jewelled leather choker about her neck, Indrani was naked. Her raven hair had been wound into a tight spiral above her head and was held in place by ornate clips. Her eyeshadow was of fine gold dust and her lips were crimson. Around the nipples of her firm breasts glittered small gold rings. Her body, totally devoid of hair, gleamed with the oil which had so recently been applied. She turned her head aside; there were voices.
Three figures entered from the ante-room and moved slowly across the thick maroon carpet towards Angela and Kim. Two of the group, Annette and Lorna, were attired in the same manner as Angela and Kim, but the third presented an altogether different image. Carlene wore a Cossack-style tunic with large brass buttons and trousers in heavy black satin. The fur hat upon her head was adorned with small gilt chains, as were the high collar and the cuffs of her suit. The black newly polished leather of her high-heeled knee boots glistened. In the wide, red belt about the tunic was coiled the unambiguous form of a leather whip.
Carlene stopped before the sentinel forms of Angela and Kim, withdrew the whip from her belt and stood with on
e arm by her side, the other holding the coiled whip against her waist Annette and Lorna proceeded on to the cage; Annette paused only to pluck up a small bunch of keys from an ornate table by the wall, before they took up positions on each side of Indranfs steel prison.
Carlene waited for a long while, then held up the coiled whip and gestured in the direction of the hanging circle of curtain, Angela and Kim turned; each taking hold of an edge of the curtain, they drew it aside. They moved away from each other in ceremonial manner, slowly opening the black drapes to reveal the hidden area within. At the far side, they met and released the bunched up curtain. Directly before them stood a square wooden pillar, rising from floor to ceiling. Angela reached up behind this. There was a click and at once the whole area, formally obscured, was flooded with bright light from the ring of spotlights above.
Within, standing upon the floor of polished wood, was a circular bed almost two and a half metres in diameter and covered in deep purple satin. Upon the bed lay Rodolfo, stretched out on his back, with his arms and legs spread out to form a human cross. Each wrist and each ankle was held by a bright steel bracelet, and each bracelet by a steel chain which passed tightly over the edge of the bed and down beneath to a hidden fixing point. His head, with eyes closed and twisted aside to avoid the glare of the lights, rested upon a small black leather pillow. He was naked, unless the scant little pouch in sheer black nylon which barely contained his penis could be regarded as an item of clothing. As Angela and Kim moved to face each other on either side of him, he opened his eyes.
Carlene walked around the bed and stopped to face the cage. At the signal of the raised whip, Annette reached up to the top of the cage with the keys poised in her fingers. In a moment, one of Indrani's arms was freed; seconds later, the other. She at once seized the bars of the door and glared between them at Carlene, who turned again to face the bed. As if on cue, Angela and Kim each placed a knee upon the bed and leant towards each other over the helpless Rodolfo. The effects of their proximity, the potential of the situation and his own helplessness had not left
Rodolfo unmoved. His arousal was very evident even though it was held in check by the straining pouch. Angela and Kim each passed a cool finger into the gaping sides of the pouch and stroked against the base of his ample penis, feeling him twitch; a soft groan passed from his lips.