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House of Temptations Page 12

  'He's definitely interested,' said Kim.

  i agree,' replied Angela.

  'How are we all looking, kids?' asked Carlene.

  'We're looking fine!' replied Angela.

  'OK then ladies! Let the little guy out!'

  Angela and Kim reached down to the cord at Rodolfo's waist and tugged. The pouch at once flew back and the penis sprang up as though released from a trap. Kim pulled the diminutive garment from under him and cast it down by the side of the wooden pillar. Angela slipped her fingers about the generously proportioned organ and began to work it slowly up and down. Rodolfo caught his breath and sighed. A loud click caught her attention and she looked up to see Annette unlocking the cage door. Carlene stepped back close to the wall, midway between the cage and the bed. As the door swung open Angela and Kim left Rodolfo and took up positions facing the head of the bed. Annette and Lorna remained at either side of the cage.

  Indrani did not wait for the door to open fully, but sprang out on to the carpet with eyes flashing. She at once turned to face Carlene and crouched, like an angry cat, as if she meant to leap up at her. Carlene shook out the whip and cracked it loudly, hissing it by Indrani's face almost faster than the eye could see. Indrani recoiled as the whip cracked again and Carlene gestured with it towards the bed. Indrani affected a snarl and spun about. Without hesitation she threw herself forward and cartwheeled once, before leaping up on to the bed to end up standing with her back to Rodolfo, her legs either side of his spread-eagled body. For a time, she stood motionless as though in contemplation, then raised up her arms, reaching out horizontally to each side. Slowly she stretched back her right leg and bent her left, lowering her body and twisting sideways so that her left hand rested on the bed and her right was thrust up at an angle. Rodolfo, mouth partly open, watched intently. She sank further until the head of his penis pushed against the softness of her stomach. There she remained for some seconds then slowly eased forward, allowing the head of his organ to slip towards her sex. Rodolfo tensed expectantly against the chains, his mouth opening wider. But Indrani stood up and resumed her former position.

  She remained expressionless and placed her hands behind her back with fingers touching and pointing downward. Her next move was to twist her hands inward and upward until they were positioned prayer-like between her shoulder blades. Rodolfo let out a gasp of surprise as she jumped to place her left leg back and her right leg forward with the foot pressed against his outstretched leg. Slowly, very slowly, she lowered her body down from the waist until her face was directly above the flushed and aching shaft. She continued downward. Rodolfo tried to push up his pelvis and let out a soft groan as her lips opened and slipped warmly down over the head. This pose she held for twenty seconds, remaining quite still despite Rodolfo arching his back to enter her mouth further. When at last she lifted up, the shaft was reddened and glistening wet. Rodolfo groaned in despair.

  Indrani moved backward and knelt astride Rodolfo's head with her feet resting on his chained arms. If her intentions were obvious to anybody they must have been more so to Rodolfo, who stared transfixed as her behind settled a tongue's length above his face. She fell forward over her knees and stretched her arms out directly in front, allowing the head of his engorged penis once again deep into her mouth; she squatted sphinx-like above his helpless form. Because of her weight, he was unable to move his pelvis upward, but his tongue, hidden by her thighs, was evidently playing its voluptuous role upon the stage of her sex, for after some thirty seconds, she began to moan quietly and spread her legs even further. After another minute, she lifted her head, withdrawing the engorged and wet shaft from her mouth and enclosing it in her hand.

  With her eyes closed and her head pushed back, she moaned louder still. When her mouth fell open her moans became cries. Suddenly, her body stiffened and she pushed her pelvis down hard against him as she let out a final loud, high-pitched cry. And so, for a moment, she remained.

  The whip cracked. Indrani started and looked wide-eyed at Carlene. Without warning she sprang forward and back-flipped up on to her feet. She spun around and faced Rodolfo for the first time, with hands on hips and legs spread wide. Keeping her legs straight, she arched her body downward until she stood on all fours above him. With her eyes fixed hard upon his, she bent her legs slowly until the lips of her sex stroked against the moistened head of his craving erection. He arched his pelvis to push into her but she only fuelled his desperation by pulling away momentarily. Twice more she did this, feeling the head twitch hotly against her. After the third time, with her eyes still gazing down at his, she allowed him to enter her a short way, once more hesitating to increase the tension and torment yet further. Then she sank down, straightening up her body and taking the whole of the inflamed and burning shaft up to the root. With her hands clasped behind her head, she moved her pelvis rapidly until the stiffening of his body told her that his orgasm was close. As his mouth opened to cry out, she pulled upward and withdrew him, but just as quickly, seized the pulsating shaft in her hand and worked it rapidly. He jerked hard against the chains; ejaculating vigorously and copiously over her upper body, he gasped desperately as though he was on the point of expiration.

  Indrani released him and let her head fall back. Then she splayed her fingers about the front of her body and slowly spread the running semen about her breasts and stomach. Then she remained still, with her eyes closed, as Angela and Kim moved around the bed, pulling the black curtain behind them on each side until they met again where they had begun. The tableau was now hidden from view.

  One by one, the lights went out until the room was in darkness.

  'Gone?' exclaimed Angela. 'But she's only just got here.'

  i know,' said Carlene, turning over on the sunbed and propping herself up on her elbows, 'but Indrani's one busy lady. She doesn't hang around nowhere for long.'

  i saw Kim drive off early this morning,' said Lorna, smoothing back her raven hair. She reached for the sun cream.

  'Yes,' answered Carlene, 'that was her. Kim dropped her off at Beziers and she got herself on the TGV, straight to Paris.'

  'Pity we didn't get to know her,' said Angela, swishing her feet around in the crystal water.

  'Well, I don't think so,' replied Carlene. 'I've known her some time but I don't think she rates friendship too highly. I've met with more conversational people at an autopsy. I still don't know if she comes from India, east Africa or Bradford; she never said!'

  'Anybody want the cream?' asked Lorna, rubbing her shoulders and breasts, then recapping the tube.

  'No thanks,' replied Angela, closing her eyes against the morning sun.

  'I'm OK,' said Carlene. 'I came packaged with a built-in suntan so I don't '

  She was interrupted by a shriek from the far end of the pool. They looked about and saw Jackie leaping up and down in the pool, rapidly hurling cascade after cascade of glittering water at Rodolfo. He swung about, one hand gripping the curved rail of the steps, the other reaching out to grab at her each time she came close. At each pass he laughed and shouted, 'Cattiva ragazza,/'

  Jackie had on no more or less than the other girls at the pool; just a small, backless swimslip with the cord passing down between the orbs of her behind. Angela noted Rod-olfo's sleek nylon bikini trunks in fine gold and blue diagonal stripes. 'He seems to have recovered from the trauma of yesterday,' she commented.

  'You bet he has!' replied Carlene as Rodolfo raised himself to dive into the pool, it looks like somebody shoved a polony down the front of his briefs.' She raised herself up and shouted, 'Hey Roddy!'

  Rodolfo stepped back from the edge and, pushing the hair back from his forehead with both hands, looked over to Carlene.

  'Don't jump in with that medallion round your neck!' she called. 'You'll never surface!'

  'Oh Carlene!' he called back, sticking out his jaw and raising both hands palm upward, i am having only a little sport!'

  'Like hell!' she responded, much to the amusement of Ang
ela and Lorna. Carlene relaxed and turned back to them. 'The only sport he wants is to get inside her G-string.'

  'He's a good looking guy,' said Lorna.

  'Oh, sure he is. But there are plenty more around,' grinned Carlene, glancing back at Rodolfo, who stood by the pool edge with hands on his waist and jaw thrust out. 'See that pose?' she said. 'He's been trying to impress people with it ever since he saw an old movie about Mussolini!'

  'You can't blame him,' said Angela. 'Jackie's a real teaser. She used to be the same with Mike but I think Rose has taken over there.'

  'Yes, well,' said Carlene, 'I have more than just a notion Cheryl has plans for those two little ladies before long.'

  'Has anyone seen Rose about, as a matter of interest?' asked Angela.

  i served her in the bar last night,' replied Lorna. 'She'd had rather a lot to drink too. I haven't seen her today, though.'

  'How about Mike?' enquired Angela.

  'Oh, he's around,' answered Lorna. 'I saw him pruning the bushes near the tennis court after breakfast. He didn't look terribly happy.'

  'Mmm, do I sense intrigue in the air?' asked Carlene.

  'Could be,' replied Angela. 'Anyway, I'm going for a swim. I'll keep an eye on Hot Roddy for you!'

  'And you recall nothing which might give us an idea where she's gone?' asked Sonia.

  'Er, no,' answered Mike nervously. 'After I made it clear that I didn't want her moving in with me, she walked off I stayed away from the bar and conservatory last night to avoid any more problems.'

  Sonia leant back in the green leather chair and looked down at her desk. 'Well, I hold her bank book so she doesn't have access to cash unless . .'

  'Unless she's pinched some off somebody.'

  'Yes, though she was living rough when she was on the run, she seemed to manage well enough. I must say I didn't expect this to happen; not after the time she's been with us.'

  Mike shuffled uneasily in the chair. 'Look, I did nothing to encourage her. I've behaved no differently towards her than I have to anyone else. She just seems to to '

  'Quite!' cut in Sonia, regarding him without any hint of emotion. 'Perhaps she felt that having eaten of the forbidden fruit, she could take from any tree whether it was hers to take from or not. She was a thief after all, wasn't she?'

  'Look Sonia, I feel guilty about this. If I'd realised how she really felt, maybe I could have well, I don't know maybe I could have been a bit easier with her.'

  'Perhaps you could, Mike,' she replied, looking him in the eye. 'Does it make you feel good to think that she has probably run away because of you?'

  He stared intently back at her. In all the years he had known Sonia, she had never looked at him quite like this. She was a beautiful woman. He had always thought so. But her feelings towards everyone, himself included, were hidden behind a fagade of polite correctness and pre-formulated friendliness. She was totally beyond his reach even if he had dared to desire her. At last he answered, 'No, of course it doesn't. I didn't want her to go away. I like her a lot. She was hemming me in a bit, that's all.'

  'Well, I've already spoken to Inspector Gautier. His relationship with some of the people here has been, shall we say a little involved, so I expect some cooperation from that quarter at least. The only problem could be if she gets picked up too far afield and says too much. We'll have to see, won't we?

  * * *

  i thought you were working this afternoon,' said Kim, pushing a tuna fish salad across the bar.

  i was,' replied Angela. 'Annette too, but Hot Roddy got too hot this1 morning by the pool and took to his room feeling sick.'

  'Oh well, said Kim, "he'll have to do double the time tomorrow to make up for it. By the way, have you seen Jackie or Rose recently?'

  'Actually sweetie/ replied Angela, i think our Rose has escaped back into the big wide world.'

  'What! You mean she's disappeared?'

  'Something like that. And I believe Jackie's confined to quarters.'

  'Why is that?' asked Kim.

  'Oh, you must have noticed,' said Angela. 'She's been trying to hook Rodolfo since they arrived.'

  'Carlene doesn't seem to worry too much.'

  'No, well she's used to it. And he's far from indispensable. Carlene's got more male admirers than he's had plates of spaghetti!'

  'Good thing, too,' retorted Kim. it probably makes for a good relationship in their case. Where is she now?'

  'Playing tennis with Annette, Val and Rachel She's left Rodolfo in peace.'

  'I wonder if he's snoring,' said Kim.

  'He doesn't,' replied Angela. 'So I've heard, that is.'

  Rodolfo indeed was not snoring. At the far end of the first-floor corridor, the door opened, slowly and quietly. A face peered around and glanced in both directions. The corridor was deserted. Rodolfo, in a white bathrobe, emerged from the room and eased the door shut silently behind him. He moved with haste past Cheryl's door on his right, until he reached the next archway, where he hesitated and looked over his shoulder before trying the ornate brass handle. The door opened and he disappeared inside

  The blinds were closed across the windows, and even though the room was in semi-darkness, it was obvious that she was not waiting for him as they had arranged. Ahead lay the entrance to the bathroom. That door was open. At right angles to it was another door only slightly ajar. Rodolfo listened. There was a radio playing. He walked the few steps over to the door, tapped and said in a low voice, 4Signorina.'

  'Roddy!' came the reply, and a face appeared in the gap. 'Roddy, I thought she'd locked my door. 1 didn't think you

  look, Roddy, I can't use my arms I can't do anything!' She backed away from the door and he slowly pushed it open. The only illumination in the bedroom was from the small pink shaded table lamp by the side of the bed. The windows were covered by curtains as well as blinds, and for all Rodolfo could see, it might have been twilight outside.

  Jackie stood between the three quarter bed and the chest of drawers. About her slim waist was fastened a heavy black leather belt fifteen centimetres in width. Riveted to each side of this, a thick leather cuff held each of her wrists hard against her body. Her hands were enclosed in semirigid leather mittens which were joined by a steel link at the front of the belt. Apart from the restraint, she was quite naked.

  Rodolfo moved closer, his eyes fixed on her middle. 'Why do they do this thing to you?'

  To stop me from going out,' replied Jackie, it could have been worse. At least I can walk about and see. When Pauline was here she used to

  'I will take it from you,' cut in Rodolfo reaching towards the restraint.

  'You can't. It's locked.'

  Jackie turned slowly about. Rodolfo, his eyes becoming accustomed to the dim light, could see quite well the brass padlocks at her wrists and at the rear of the belt. His eyes moved down over the cleft of her behind for the few moments it was in view.

  'Afortunata ragazza,' he breathed, placing his hands on the sides of her face and gazing into her eyes. 'Always they are doing this to you, I know. Sometimes to me as well, for the movies. It is their way.'

  Jackie stood looking up at him and said nothing, but her lips parted a little and she closed her eyes. When he kissed her, she returned his kiss with passion. He placed his hands about her shoulders and pulled her tightly against him, feeling the warm softness of her body and tasting the perfume of her breath as it caressed his face and neck. She in turn trembled with the awareness of his arousal, hard against her even through the thick material of the bathrobe. Had her hands and arms been free, she would have reached inside the bathrobe to take the precious entity which stirred beneath.

  He moved her towards the bed until she stopped with the mattress against her legs.

  i can't lie down,' she said. The locks on the belt; they'll dig into me.'

  'Oh, then we will sit,' he replied.

  They moved over to an upholstered, upright chair standing by the chest of drawers. Rodolfo pulled the chair out and, with
his back to Jackie, slipped the belt from his bathrobe. When he turned to face her, his ample erection freed and brandished before him, Jackie sank to her knees. As enthusiastically and spontaneously as she had kissed him seconds before, she slid her mouth over the head of his penis. So quickly did she do it that Rodolfo almost drew back in surprise. But the electric burning spread through his loins as her lips moved down the shaft until she could take no more. He breathed in sharply and placed his hands upon her head as she moved back and forth. She had done this with him before, in their pre-planned recordings, but never in private, when time was their own. For two minutes she continued her voluptuous play and his urge intensified. But feeling himself beginning to lose control, he withdrew from her and pulled her to her feet.

  'Now I will do the same for you,' he whispered.

  Kneeling before Jackie, he lifted up her leg and placed her foot upon the chair. With one hand under her behind and the other beneath her uplifted thigh, he had full access to what he most desired and could allow his tongue to enter and incite her further. He quickly found the clitoris, already moist and swollen. Teasing it within its tiny theatre of lust first, he then entered deeper to taste the nectar of her passion.

  She was beginning to moan and to quiver when he stopped. But his hesitation was only a change in tactic, for even in the heat of their intimacy, he recognised the conflict of needs. Whilst both craved fulfilment, each wanted to prolong the ecstasy for as long as possible. As he turned her around, she tugged hopelessly on the restraints, knowing that it would intensify her arousal even more if she reminded herself of her situation. His hands closed over her breasts and squeezed the hardened nipples. At the same instant, the head of his engorged lance butted and chafed between her legs from the rear, coursing back and forth against her maddening heat. He expected her to struggle, she always had, for it was her way as the crisis approached. Moving backward, he felt the chair against his knees. Arching his pelvis back, he pulled her twisting body about until she faced him. At once he was down on the chair and forcing her astride him. Only for a moment did she hover above the glistening shaft before being impaled fully upon it with a murmuring cry to compliment his soft moan. With their mouths pressed together, he hooked an arm under each of her thighs and lifted them up until her legs swung over his elbows. His hands grasped her upper arms to hold her steady and the joust of love entered its final phase. Each worked their pelvis with the other and the burning tide began to quickly rise. Their bodies trembled hard and Jackie's high-pitched moans became louder and longer.