House of Temptations Page 14
'Your uniform is outside,' said Cheryl. 'By the way, you haven't seen Angela, have you?'
'Not since we came back from our walk, no. I thought she would be here.'
'Oh,' continued Cheryl. 'She's usually dead on time. I can't imagine she's forgotten.'
'Look, I'll pop back upstairs if you like,' offered Karen, it'll only take a minute.'
'All right,' agreed Cheryl. Tell her everyone else is ready.'
Karen passed back through the ante-room, and saw the blue uniform folded and waiting for her on one of the chairs. On another chair, just beyond, lay something of a more sinister nature.
Stepping into the second-floor corridor she hesitated.
The corridor was silent and deserted. Reaching Angela's door, Karen raised her hand and knocked. There was no reply. She knocked again a little harder.
'Come in,' came the voice at last. The voice sounded weak and distant. Karen opened the door and entered. The apartment was in semi-darkness, for the blinds were closed. Angela half lay, half sat upon a two-seater by the window, her head pushed into two large cushions.
'Angie, what's up? Are you OK?'
'Oh, Karen, sweetie,' sighed Angela, 'I've had a bloody migraine. I thought it would have gone by now. I suppose they're all waiting for me, are they?'
Karen leant forwards and placed an arm around her shoulder. Even in this light, Angela appeared pale. 'Poor Angie. I didn't know you suffered with those. You've never said anything.'
'No,' replied Angela, pressing her hands against her face, 'they're very rare nowadays, fortunately. It would have to be this afternoon, though, wouldn't it?'
'Well they'll have to-do without you, won't they?'
Angela lowered her hands and smiled weakly, it's really stupid, isn't it?'
'No, of course it isn't stupid. Why say that?'
Angela placed her hand on Karen's, forced a weak smile and looked into her eyes. 'What I mean is - well, I just fancied Roddy this afternoon, even if it was all fixed up in advance. Do you understand?'
'Of course I do,' she whispered, squeezing Angela affectionately. She kissed her cheek and imagined the vain but appealing features of Rodolfo with his steel-blue eyes and sensual mouth. 'But it can't be helped. I'll go back and let them know. You go to bed and rest until you feel better, OK?'
She left Angela and closed the door quietly. She was almost at the top of the stairs when Valerie appeared around the corner, and stopped before her with questioning eyes.
'She's not well,' said Karen. 'It's a migraine.'
'Oh, poor kid,' replied Valerie. 'I suppose we'll have to call it off in that case. That's a damned nuisance.'
Valerie swung around to head back down the stairs. 'Val, what about, er what about someone else?' Valerie stopped and turned to face her. There's no one available, deary. Kim and Rachel were on the tennis court last time I saw them and Lorna's away. I could suggest Jackie or even Rose. Jackie would be in like a shot but Cheryl doesn't want either of them involved with Rodolfo.'
Valerie was about to continue on down when Karen drew her breath in sharply and said, 'Val, what if...?'
if what?' Valerie faced about once more and regarded her with dark gypsy eyes. Karen swallowed hard and hesitated. 'Val, what if I mean if I ...'
'He's a good lover, deary.' Valerie smiled, putting a hand on Karen's cheek.
Karen caught her breath, felt herself shaking and gripped the stair rail. Valerie, her eyes glistening and intense, put her arms about Karen's shoulders. 'You're a very passionate girl, Karen; I know that.'
Karen sighed and put her cheek softly against Valerie's. 'Sometimes I just want to behave like a slut and let anyone do what they want. But I'm not like Jackie. I get all twisted up inside. I'm so bloody scared!'
Valerie stroked her hair and kissed her cheek. 'Just pretend you're in the beauty parlour, lovey and we're going to relieve those pent up tensions, right?'
it's O.K. if you help, Val. I don't want to say anything to the others. You deal with what happens, yes?' 'Of course I will, deary. What we're going to do is 'Val! No!' cut in Karen, i don't want to know what's going to happen. I don't care! If you tell me, I'll more than likely change my mind. I know I will.'
Inside the ante-room, Karen sat on a small stool. Valerie walked around her and said, 'I'll tell them I've begged you into standing in for Angela. How's that?' it's OK, Val. But don't be long.' 'No, I'll only be a minute.'
'And Val, before anything else, I'll have a drink please. The sherry I saw in there will do.'
Within a short time, Valerie had returned. She held two glasses and the half full bottle of amontillado. She placed them on the small circular table and poured. 'Say when/ she said.
Karen said nothing. The glass was filled until it was almost brimming.
Valerie watched her drink the sherry nervously, and sipped her own. Karen uttered nothing until the glass was empty and Valerie said, 'Have a little more if you want/
Karen took up the bottle, refilled the glass and breathed, i think I better had/
When the second glass was finished, Valerie stood up and walked behind her. Karen felt the hands resting on her shoulders for a few moments before the bathrobe was pulled away. She raised herself from the stool to allow Valerie to drag it from beneath her, then sat and waited with her hands on her knees. She heard the swish of the garment, as Valerie lifted it from the chair, and the chink of metal buckles. She caught the smell of the leather in her nostrils before she saw the source.
i think you know what this is/ said Valerie, passing the restraint in front of her and pulling it high about her waist. Karen stood whilst the wide belt was tightened and buckled at the rear. Valerie worked quickly, enclosing each wrist within its felt-lined leather cuff so that her arms were held securely against her sides and she could just bring together her fingertips.
Karen had expected the gag and made no effort to resist as Valerie positioned something before her face. She closed her eyes, allowing the smooth rubber plug to slip into her mouth and keep it opened. Around the plug was a soft ring which squeezed and sealed the outside of her mouth. The black rubber pad upon which both were mounted was fitted over her lower face and under her chin. It took little time to fasten this lesser-sized restraint. It's tight web of straps ran over and about her head in various directions, forming a triangular aperture for her nose and leaving her eyes free.
'Perfect for the part/ said Valerie, moving around into
Karen's field of vision. 'Now you have to appear reluctant, deary OK?'
Karen glanced aside at her and managed a barely audible grunt by way of response.
it's the only bit of acting skill you'll need. Just make as though you really are a prisoner trying to resist. Struggle for all you're worth. You'll know when and where.'
As Valerie eased her to her feet, Karen's imagination began to run riot. What was going to happen to her?
As they passed into the main room, Karen knew how it must feel before a first parachute jump. She had of course expected to see the faces of Cheryl and Annette, and indeed there they stood, by the chairs, waiting. But what of Rodolfo? She had expected him too, but he was not to be seen. In the room, now very well lit indeed by the clusters of spotlights, Annette's face bore a smile which carried more than a hint of mischief. Cheryl exhibited only cool impassivity. If reassurance was of any value at this point, which Karen much doubted, then it was more likely to be found in Annette's expression than in Cheryl's.
Karen stood facing them with Valerie behind. Cheryl and Annette stood and regarded her for a time with hands resting on hips, as if to express satisfaction at what they saw. Annette walked over to join them and stood at Karen's right side. Valerie moved to her left. Each placed a hand on her shoulders and they moved her forward.
It was at this point that real apprehension beset her, for Cheryl stepped over to the black circular curtain and disappeared inside. Annette and Valerie brought Karen to a standstill before the curtain and held her there. Above
the curtain, the ceiling lit up with bright light from within the enclosed space. There was an electric hum and at once the curtains began to open, the gap widening before them and spilling light out on to the rich maroon carpet. Karen's protest remained stifled behind the gag and though she twisted about against the restraint, her attempt to back away was halted before it began.
The chair glittered under the lights. Its glaring chromium fittings formed a counterpoint of light and complexity against the smooth sheen of the black leather back support. Its small semi-circular seat had a cut-out front, and an array of hanging straps. This chair was more elaborate and more clinical than the one in the beauty parlour where Valerie and Kim had removed her pubic hair. It was more threatening because it stood alone and out of context; it was not in warm and intimate privacy, but was like the pillory in a town square awaiting its unwilling victim to be displayed and seen by all. And unwilling Karen stared wide-eyed, first at the chair and then at the smiling figures of Carlene and Rodolfo who stood waiting at each side of it in white surgical gowns and sleek, translucent pink rubber gloves. Behind the chair stood Cheryl.
'Just what the doctor ordered,' came Annette's voice as they propelled her forward. Squirming and jerking with futility against the restraints, she twisted frantically about, her eyes darting wide from one to the other.
That's it,' remarked Annette, 'we'll make a star of you yet!'
Once before the chair, they hesitated only to remove her small blue briefs before turning Karen about and half lifting, half pushing her writhing form down on to the padded seat. They held her ankles to prevent her kicking. Her heart beat against her ribs and the sensation in her belly was akin to that of descending in an express lift. She felt herself burning with shame as the straps were passed around and secured quickly about her neck, chest and waist, to finish about the lower part of the wide belt. She knew well the hopelessness of struggle but still resisted as each of her legs was taken by the gloved hands and lifted outward and upward. Each knee was fitted and secured into the padded rest at the end of the chrome extension bars which sprang up from the sides of the chair. The ankles were secured likewise at the other end of the rests, leaving her stiletto heels protruding horizontally. Carlene and Rodolfo stepped back and Cheryl moved about the chair, adjusting and tightening wheels and levers, in order to tilt the prisoner rearward a little and bring her knees back further and wider until she was openly displayed before all.
*0h baby, do you look sweet!" Carlene smiled as Cheryl moved back.
*Belissimo,' breathed Rodolfo, his eyes feasting hard upon her helpless body.
'Look Roddy," said Carlene, 'the kid's shaved clean and slick, the way we like it!'
Carlene ran her latex finger slowly between Karen"s buttocks, over her anus and between the lips of her sex. Karen stiffened involuntarily as the sensation passed through her body in a sharp, electric ripple. She could no longer see Cheryl, Annette or Valerie. There was only Carlene and Rodolfo in the pool of light, and herself. She was spread out before them in the most lascivious manner, her most secret and intimate places open to their gaze and the play of their fingers.
Carlene knelt down before the chair and circled her arms about Karen's thighs, bringing her full and sensual lips close to the vulva. Karen felt the tongue flicker into her for a moment then course about the pink labia. A murmuring arose within her loins.
Time we got rid of these coats, Roddy. Time for the oral examination. I think this baby is ready for it!'
Each undid the tapes at the rear of the other's gown, and the gowns were cast aside. Carlene had on a plain black vinyl mini-dress; it was sleeveless with a low-cut square neckline. Rodolfo wore a white T-shirt and pale blue trousers, which Carlene at once helped him to remove. His only item of clothing was a pair of bikini briefs in white satin lycra which did little to disguise his state of arousal. Rodolfo took Carlene's place before the chair, but whereas Carlene had merely breathed upon the flame of Karen's lust, Rodolfo now began fuelling it to full measure. His tongue darted and played about inside her, summoning the clitoris to full arousal and then circling about it. Then defying its needs, it tormented the anus with its fickle and exquisite meanderings. For a time, Carlene attended to her breasts, circling and squeezing the swollen nipples with her fingers.
Karen quivered and moaned softly through the rubber gag. Carlene ran a hand down her body and placed a finger either side of Karen's sex to squeeze and pull back the moist flesh of the labia, as Rodolfo tasted the nectar of her growing passion.
The kid's going to come any time now, Roddy. It's time for the lucky strike,' breathed Carlene. She reached out and pulled down the briefs, releasing his burgeoning erection. Karen was inflamed and glistening with excitement. Rodolfo would have struck home at once for his own need was pressingly urgent. But Carlene took the reddened and ample shaft in her hand and allowed him to enter Karen only a short way. 'Easy does it now,' she said. 'Let's make it so you're both taking the same elevator!'
Rodolfo closed his eyes and groaned. Carlene stroked and caressed the swollen head between the equally reddened lips of Karen's sex. At last she released him and he at once speared deeply. He gasped loudly and arched his back, moving his pelvis back and forth with rapid motions. Karen wanted him to thrust and penetrate her deeper still, to spread into every part of her body, for the smouldering within was becoming a blaze, running out of control and about to consume her entirely. She closed her eyes, and wanted to cry out but could only bite into the rubber plug; she wanted to scream but only a stifled moan came through. She was about to burst asunder with lust and felt her body seized by the flames of orgasm. Rodolfo lost control at the same time. He fell forward to grasp the back of the chair, heaving and crying out as Karen's body too became rigid and the flames seared through them as one, in blazing torrents.
She was still moaning quietly, and still had her eyes closed tightly when he withdrew the glistening lance.
Cheryl reappeared and, with the help of Carlene, quickly released the straps. As the gag came off, Karen gasped as though the heat of passion still ravaged her. Carlene looked into her eyes with a broad grin and said, 'Sure beats the shit out of running the company accounts, doesn't it?'
Karen hurried with head down, up the back stairs, her hands clutching tightly on to the lapels of her bathrobe. At the second-floor landing she stopped and leant against the wall, letting forth a loud sigh and pressing the back of her hand hard against her part-opened mouth. Her body felt different, as though it had in some manner been taken apart and reconstituted so that nothing was quite in its accustomed place anymore. The effects of the stringent bondage might account for it, or perhaps the attentions of Rodolfo. She did not feel entirely convinced on either account. The strong odour of leather still hung about her. It would not be gone until she showered. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, wondering if she might soon awaken to find it had been yet another dream in this gamut of sexual fantasies.
'Karen, are you all right?' came a voice out of the darkness.
She opened her eyes and there stood Angela, her face shaded with concern.
'Oh God, Angie,' she sighed.
Angela took her arm and peered into her face. 'What's the matter, sweetie?'
'Angie I - I need a drink!'
'Well, come on down to the bar. That's where I was going.'
i couldn't, not like this.'
'Then let's go in my room. I've got some gin stashed away and we can have a quiet chat.'
'Want to talk about it?' asked Angela, adding a measure of tonic to each of the glasses.
'I - I daren't,' replied Karen. 'I just daren't.'
'Let me make a guess,' said Angela. 'You volunteered to help out by taking my place in the show.'
Karen looked down at the carpet and did not reply. She sensed Angela's eyes fixed on her. 'Yes, I did,' she muttered finally.
Angela too was silent for a time. Then she began to laugh. Karen glanced up in surprise. Falling back into the chair,
Angela shook her head and laughed louder still. 'Oh, Karen! Karen! You're so funny, you really are!'
'Well I'm glad somebody thinks so!' retorted Karen, finding herself unable to suppress a smile.
'Oh dear/ said Angela, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, i hope you're getting paid the going rate for this appearance! It is above and beyond the call of duty!'
'God yes. Sonia's going to find out, isn't she? And - oh, I just thought.'
Thought what?'
'James! How can I ever look him in the face again?'
'Easy, sweetie, just stare straight at those big thick spectacles and smile. Annette's got the best technique; she manages to pull a face at the same time.'
'How does he react?' asked Karen.
'He doesn't. He doesn't care in the least. He's not interested in us; you know that. The only time anyone got through to him was a bit before you arrived here. Carlene had done a show and bumped into James the following day in the bar. She grabbed hold of him in front of everyone and said out loud, "Have I really got spots all over my arse, honey?" '
'Oh no!' Karen grinned. 'What happened?'
'Well, I was nearly in hysterics. Val almost choked on a piece of toast! Poor James had a coughing fit. We all thought he was going to die! That's why you won't see him around when Carlene's here. He simply daren't come out.'
'Oh, Angie, as usual you've cheered me up again. You always see the lighter side of everything, and I'm glad you're feeling better, too.'
i shouldn't be,' replied Angela. 'Not after you pinched my place with Hot Roddy!'
'Well now,' said Cheryl, closing the door behind her. 'I hope you have both been behaving yourselves during my absence.'
She regarded the two figures leaning upon the brightly coloured cushions within the circular steel pen. They looked up at her, without speaking. The pen, some two metres in diameter, occupied an area in the middle of the room. Beyond it, on the opposite side, the TV screen danced with life and colour. Music blared from it, alternating with frantic dialogue and sound effects as two cartoon characters rocketed back and forth.