House of Temptations Page 15
it's a pity/ she continued, looking up at the screen with undisguised disapproval, 'that you can't find something better than this to occupy your minds with.' Walking around the pen, she stooped and reached through the steel bars to retrieve the remote controller from where it lay close to Rose. She placed the unit on top of the television and switched off the set. At once the silence asserted itself. She turned and placed her hands on the edge of the pen. i have a few notes to write up for the next half hour. I can't work with that din going on so you'll have to put up with a little silence until I've finished. Unless, of course, you prefer to listen to some Chopin. Well?'
The two pairs of eyes looked at each other then back to Cheryl. Both heads shook from side to side.
'All right, have it your way. But don't blame me if you get bored.'
Rose and Jackie adjusted their positions against the cushions. Neither of them had spoken for some time. Not since Cheryl had confined them to the pen before leaving earlier in the afternoon in order to oversee the proceedings in the games room.
Not only had they not spoken, but they had done very little else other than, in the case of Rose, to alter the television channels. Even that facility was unavailable to Jackie. She was cocooned from neck to waist in burnished, metallic grey vinyl with her arms enclosed and folded across her middle. Rose was held in restraint by a pair of bright steel cuffs. These were attached to the front of a thick belt about her waist. Their silence was accounted for by a small, oblong piece of white plastic adhesive tape which held the mouth of each securely shut. At least Rose had limited use of her hands and could struggle to her feet if she so wished. These luxuries were denied Jackie most effectively by the boot-like restraint, in the same material and colour as the straitjacket, which tightly enclosed her feet and legs as far as the knees. Why Cheryl had imposed a much greater degree of restriction upon her had not been explained to either.
The thirty or so minutes which passed by were less evident to Cheryl, busy at her desk, than they were to the occupants of the pen. At last, Cheryl returned, looked down at Rose and said, Tm going to release you. After that, I'm going to shower and change out of this uniform. I expect you to be waiting in your room in fifteen minutes.'
With the prisoner freed, Cheryl swung back the small gate. From Jackie came a stifled grunt as the gate was clicked shut but, though Rose looked at Jackie and Cheryl, and opened her mouth to speak, Cheryl ignored the figure in the pen and said, 'Fifteen minutes, all right?'
Cheryl did not tap on the door but entered unannounced. Rose, wearing a mid-length, white flared skirt and navy blue nylon blouse, sat waiting by the coffee table. Rose said nothing, but watched her close the door. Apart from Sonia, Cheryl was the only other person in the house with whom she had not formed a social relationship. Cheryl gave the impression of cool efficiency a great deal of the time but she was very far from being a stranger to glamour, and Rose now could see how this Nordic beauty presented herself. Cheryl's slim form was clad in a silver sequinned sleeveless dress with a high collar. It fitted perfectly over the curves of her body and, though not conspicuously short, allowed an ample view of her black nylon clad legs with their silver high-heeled sandals.
Cheryl sat down opposite to her and said, in the light of our little session today, are you back for the foreseeable future, do you think?'
'Yes,' said Rose, clasping her knees with her hands, i think so. There isn't much for me to look forward to anywhere else.'
'And Mike? Have you had enough time to consider if this is still going to be a problem?'
'Cheryl, I still like Mike a lot but I don't think it's going to bother me the way it did before.'
'Good. But you know as well as everybody else; this isn't a free for all. Trust and discretion are well, you know about that; you've been told often enough. So we'll try to behave a little more responsibly from now on, shall we?'
i will Cheryl, honest.'
'And if you and Jackie are going to get up to anything, you'd better make sure I don't catch you out again!'
'What's going to happen to Jackie?' asked Rose, feeling her face redden.
'She is going to remain under control until Carlene and Rodolfo are gone in two days time. We do not want any more problems. She is also going to be taught a rather graphic lesson. It will kill two birds with one stone.'
'What do you mean?'
'Yes, I wondered if you'd be curious. It wouldn't do you any harm to be in on it. You're a big girl, now.'
'Will Jackie be kept away from everyone?'
'Not quite,' replied Cheryl. 'She will be obliged to remain upstairs. You can keep an eye on her; especially at night. You can take in her meals as well. And we all know her other needs. I'm sure she isn't going to miss out there. Not if I know you!'
Rose tried to remain expressionless. Cheryl watched her and smiled.
it's not fair!' shouted Jackie.
'Well, you've only yourself to blame, love. You shouldn't have got caught!'
'Look Rosie, you got caught and then buggered off! She hasn't kept you like this, has she?'
'That's different. I was going to come back and I didn't say anything to anybody. And I know she caught me at it too, but at least I'd gone somewhere out of the way. She had to follow me to find out, didn't she?'
Jackie remained silently seated on the edge of the bed, her knees pressed together and her head lowered.
'Anyway,' continued Rose, 'nobody outside here cares a sod about me, whereas your old man pays them a packet to keep an eye on you. The last thing they want is you running off with Rodolfo, whereas me having it off with Mike upset them less than it did me!'
it's still not fair!' retorted Jackie, rocking back and forth. 'Roddy wants me and I want him! I can make my own mind up. I don't care who bloody well pays what!'
'Well Sonia does that's why Cheryl's kept you in the straitjacket.'
The rest of today and all day tomorrow!' yelled Jackie, twisting from side to side against the restraint. 'Nearly two bloody days!'
'No it isn't,' Rose consoled her. 'Mealtimes and bedtimes she'll come and undo you. I'd undo you myself but we'd both end up in dead trouble and neither of us wants that.'
it's still not fair!' cried Jackie with tears welling up in her eyes. With that, she threw herself aside on to the bed with an exasperated, 'Oh!' and, jerking her folded arms up and down inside the vinyl cocoon, kicked her legs wildly about and cried out repeatedly in hopeless frustration.
Rose sat down on the bed beside her and placed a comforting arm about her shoulder.
'Look love, he's not worth getting upset over, is he? There's hundreds of blokes out there at least as good as him.'
it's all right for you to talk,' said the tearful Jackie. 'At least you can still see Mike.'
'Well I'm not going to make any more of it,' replied Rose. 'Cheryl said I'd meet plenty of others if I stayed here; all of them with bags of cash to throw around. And,' she continued, leaning down to kiss Jackie's cheek, 'I want to keep you as my friend, as well. You're my first real pal you are, Jackie; you and Karen.'
She reached over and yanked a paper tissue from the pink box on the bedside table.
'Let's dab your eyes and have a little chat. I won't go and leave you, so don't worry.'
'What do you think?' said Sonia, raising the glass of chab-lis and regarding Cheryl.
Cheryl relaxed in the green leather chair, drank from her own glass, and considered for a time. 'Yes, I think it would work. It would make a good show and teach the two of them a lesson.'
'And as they're gone after tomorrow it would avoid repercussions,' added Annette, with more than a hint of mischief in her green eyes.
'Then go ahead,' said Sonia in a decisive tone, i don't suppose Carlene will have any objections.'
'No,' said Annette, 'I can promise you, Carlene won't mind in the least.'
'Oh, I see,' responded Sonia, 'you've already asked her. I should have realised, shouldn't I? Knowing you.
i thought it best,' said Annette, in fact, Carlene thought it was immensely funny. She was even more enthusiastic than we were she just can't wait!' 'And what about Rose?' asked Sonia. i think her little escapade has taught her a few truths,' answered Cheryl, i get the feeling she'll start to become an asset now, of her own free will. The police don't seem to be as interested as they were when they thought she was directly involved in the robbery.'
i thought she was in it with them,' said Annette, swirling the wine glass gently.
'She was in the back of the car,' replied Cheryl. That's about all. She didn't actually help in any way.'
That makes life a bit easier,' said Sonia with relief. 'We no longer need worry about who sees her face.' She looked at her watch, then across the room to the smaller office where Karen sat. i think it's coffee time.'
Karen was occupied at the keyboard when Sonia's face appeared at the doorway.
'You've shut yourself off from everything today, my dear. I've hardly seen you since I got back from Paris. Leave what you're doing and come out here with us for a bit; I'm putting some coffee on.'
Karen did not move, but looked at her questioningly as though about to speak, is anything the matter?' asked Sonia. Karen backed the chair away from her desk, i needed to have a quick word,' she answered, looking Sonia straight in the eye, 'but you've always been with someone.'
is it urgent? Do you want to talk to me now? Cheryl and Annette won't mind waiting.'
'No, no, not right now,' replied Karen. 'When they've gone. And I'll carry on in here for the time being.'
The late afternoon sun reached with golden fingers through the blinds when Cheryl and Annette left the main office. Sonia closed the door and returned to the group of chairs set about the coffee table. Karen now sat nervously in the chair just vacated by Cheryl. Sonia looked at her; the light glittered upon the silver locket where it hung above her breasts. 'We haven't fallen out over anything have we, my dear?'
Karen smiled weakly and pushed back into the chair. 'Em - not yet, no. But I have to tell you, before you see the tape and find out.'
'Go on,' said Sonia, fixing her eyes on Karen's.
'God, I know you're not going to like this but - but, whilst you were away, I - well the show they put on with Rodolfo in it.' Karen tapped her fingers on the chair arm. 'Angie couldn't do it because she wasn't feeling too good, so I went instead.'
She slipped her fingers over the sides of the chair and glanced down, waiting.
'And did you enjoy the experience?' asked Sonia quietly.
Karen looked up sharply. 'Sonia, that's not the point! What I was trying to say was - was, that I . . .'
'Well, you have said it and I'm glad you're so concerned.'
Sonia reached over the table and took her hand. 'But why do you so often think I'm going to disapprove and be annoyed with you? Am I so stern and overbearing?'
'I just do, that's all. I don't want it to spoil our relationship.'
'I have told you before,' breathed Sonia, 'we inhabit two different worlds; as different as night and day. When we pass through the looking glass into that other world, we find our fantasies becoming real. It happened in our sacrificial scene. When we were alone together, we had passed through the portal. We were not play-acting. We were real. The outside world was the fantasy, not us. You acted out your role in the real world to feed the images to others. Those images will fuel their fantasies in turn.'
She released Karen's hand and relaxed back in the chair. 'Everything I have, has been acquired through the carnal desires of others. How could I deny those same desires to you?'
Karen closed her eyes. 'Sonia, I'm almost hurt because you aren't annoyed with me. I know it sounds stupid, but I am.'
'My dear/ continued Sonia, 'if I had such control over you in our daylight world that I could predetermine your decisions, then I would have you behave differently. But you are yourself and, to tell the truth, 1 prefer it that way.'
A smile dispelled the look of concern from Karen's features. 'Oh, I feel stupid now. The last thing I should bother about in this house is doing what I did, I suppose.'
'We all have to be realistic,' said Sonia. 'At least in our day to day world.'
'I'll tidy up in my office,' said Karen, without expression, 'and get out of your way.'
She arose and returned across the room to her own workplace. Outside, the landscape was warmly mellow in the lowering sun. She cleared away a few things from her desk and switched off the computer before closing the blind against the light. When she turned, Sonia stood before her.
'You're never in my way, my dear,' breathed Sonia, placing her hands upon Karen's shoulders. 'You must never think that. Never.'
Karen felt the tremor run through her body, the tremor she always felt when Sonia's hands were laid upon her. She could not help herself, i didn't mean it like that,' she said and smiled into the dark, deep eyes.
Sonia drew her closer and Karen placed her arms about Sonia's waist. Her eyes were closed and her mouth already parted when their lips met. Karen felt the dark tide of passion running through her and returned Sonia's kiss with equal intensity.
'Sonia,' she breathed, 'sometimes there are things I want to do. It scares me.'
'What things do you want to do, and why are you scared?'
'When I was in the - when I took part yesterday, I wouldn't have cared in the end if the whole world had seen me, or if that chair had been set up on a stage in front of an audience. Or part of me wouldn't have cared; the other part would have been terrified. It's like being drawn towards a dark, deep abyss. You just have to look. You just have to know, whatever the consequences.'
'And I have frightened you often/ whispered Sonia, her breath very warm on Karen's ear. 'Yes, you have frightened me. But I don't want it to stop/ She searched into the dark eyes and felt the blood coursing through her veins. 'Sonia, sometimes I wanted to be tormented. I don't know why I'm saying it now, but I'm scaring myself by my own admission.' 'You're shaking/ breathed Sonia. 'Shaking like a kitten.' 'Y yes* I'm sorry. I know I'm being -' 'My dear/ cut in Sonia. 'You are trying to be in our two worlds at once. We should try to keep them apart you know that/ 'Yes, I know.'
Sonia pushed the hair aside from Karen's cheek, i have been away a lot lately and you will soon be off to Paris. We have not had an evening together for some time/ 'No, we haven't, have we?'
'Then why not this evening? Or tomorrow if you were already going somewhere.'
'I wasn't, no I mean tonight, that is. I wasn't going anywhere particularly/
'Then, perhaps,' suggested Sonia, 'a bottle of champagne?'
'Yes, a bottle of champagne sounds wonderful. And I'm sorry for going on about well, you know.'
'Oh, no my dear, don't be sorry at all. It is the last thing I should want you to keep from me; the very last thing.'
It was a little after seven thirty when, after a sharp tap, the door opened and Cheryl entered. Rose and Jackie sat to gether on the two-seater before the television set. The window blinds were closed against the setting sun. They turned to look at Cheryl, the colours from the screen dancing upon their faces and in their eyes. Rose picked up the remote controller and cut off the sound.
it's time for something to eat/ announced Cheryl, handing Rose a small printed menu, if you each decide what you want. Rose can go and get it from the bar or the kitchen.'
Both conferred for a couple of minutes and then Rose smiled. 'OK, we've decided.'
'Use the back stairs,' said Cheryl. 'We don't want you bumping into anyone with a tray of food.'
Rose, wearing her jeans and T-shirt, left the room and hurried along the first-floor corridor. Going down, she took the main stairs, which would bring her out near the entrance to the bar.
'You had better stand up,' said Cheryl, placing a small package down upon the coffee table.
Jackie looked at her with a look of reproachment crossing her face and did as she was told. The sleeves of the blue and red patterned
housecoat swung empty at her side. Cheryl slipped the belt open and pulled the housecoat away, then placed it over the back of the seat.
i wonder whether I should leave you in that and let Rose feed you,' said Cheryl, eyeing the metallic blue vinyl strait-jacket which still embraced Jackie from neck to waist. 'On second thoughts,' she continued, picking up the small bag, 'you'll need to take a shower so we'll try these instead.'
She knelt down before Jackie and slipped the contents of the bag out on to the carpet with a metallic clink. 'Bring your feet together!'
Jackie obeyed. Almost immediately, she felt the cool, smooth steel encircle her right ankle. The other ankle was similarly enclosed and when Cheryl stood up, Jackie glanced down to see her legs joined by a bright steel chain some ten centimetres long.
'You'll only be able to take short steps in those, as you are well aware,' said Cheryl, moving around behind her, 'so on no account must you leave this room.'
The heavy duty zipper at the rear of the straitjacket began to whirr down and Jackie felt the restraint loosening, if you disobey,' continued Cheryl, 'I'll have you hooded until tomorrow morning. That means there'll be no TV and no talking, so think about it, won't you?'
'I won't try to go anywhere,' said Jackie as the vinyl garment was finally pulled away, releasing her arms and leaving her quite naked.
'Good!' replied Cheryl. 'And you had better have Rose help you in and out of the shower. The bracelets will be removed after you've had your breakfast in the morning, but they won't prevent you from getting your beauty sleep.'
She regarded the silent Jackie for a few moments with cool blue eyes, then, with the limp straitjacket over her arm, turned about and left the room.
'So she's confined to quarters until tomorrow?' said Lorna, pushing the tray forward from behind the bar.